Path with salt salt

Path with salt salt

Salt is one of the most common products whose advantages are extended far beyond the cookery. Cook, iodized, marine - any of them can most positively affect our organism, including in a cosmetology aspect. For example, in the form of salt baths, which are able to return to your feet ease and well-kept look. It is about this home care facility and talk.

What useful baths with a salt salt

Salt baths are a wonderful budget tool for strengthening nail plates, skin softening and removing the feeling of gravity in the legs. Plus, the minerals contained in salt (iron, bromine, silicon, etc.) are able to positively affect the muscles and on the joints. Especially I would like to note the sea, iodized salt and salt complexes (mixtures of salt with extracts of medicinal plants). In this case, it is safe to rely on antifungal, anti-inflammatory and deodorizing effects. Especially relevant such home spa treatments in the summer, when our feet especially need care. In winter, this is a great way to "feed" the skin of the legs with minerals.

How to do salt baths

To get the maximum benefit from such a spa procedure, we recommend using a large grinding salt - it is more saturated with minerals. Very small grinding is not famous for useful properties. The classical salt and water ratio for the preparation of a foot salt bath The following is 2 tbsp. l. on average basin, respectively. The salt complex can also be used in the same proportion. Regarding the temperature of the water for such procedures there are two points that need to be remembered: If you want to quickly remove fatigue and return the legs ease - water should be cool (up to 25 degrees), if you want to simply relax - do water with warm (in the range of 37-39 ). Optionally, you can make water and jogging, but not only with varicose veins. The duration of the procedure will depend on the water temperature: the hot water in the bath, the shorter the time of staying legs in it. After the bath, you can rinse your feet with warm water, although most experts recommend just to wipe them with a towel. The logical conclusion of your feet should be peace.

Recipe Classic Salt Paths for Foot

The most famous version of the bath "Salt + Water" with all its simplicity of the formulation can have a comprehensive positive effect on the legs. Firstly, this is a great way to clear the feet from pollution, secondly, it will saturate the skin minerals, thirdly, it will remove the problem of increased sweating, fourth, increase the stability of the skin to fungal and bacterial infections. To do this, dissolve salt in warm water (1.5 tbsp. Liter or 3 st. L. Stone) and lower the washed legs into it for 15 minutes.


Salt Baths for Foot with Medicinal Plants

If you want as a "bonus" from the adoption of a foot bath, to also strengthen the vessels, instead of water use the linden infusion for the bath (the ratio of sea salt and linden flowers to 100 g to 2-3 hours l.). You can add several drops of rosemary oil to this composition. Use for a bath of a mixture of sea salt and nettle (3-4 tbsp. L. Sea salt + 2 h. Pharmacy nettle) gives a wonderful relaxing effect. If you regularly make a composition for a foot bath from sea salt and oak bark, then you can forget about sweating and unpleasant smell. In this case, you need to mix 4 tbsp. l. Salts and 3 h. l. Core, pour the composition of boiling water, give it to be broken (15-20 minutes) and hold a 10-minute foot in such a bath.

Baths with salt from outgrows and cracks

In order to get rid of the growths in the form of warts or corns, as well as hopes and cracks on the legs, hot salt baths are often used. So, in the case of Cozins and Natopysh, hot water with salt will perfectly break the skin for further procedures. For example, during the plantar wart after such an evening spilling bath, it is recommended to lubricate the throat of the yod to black. There is evidence that for a week such daily procedures can be completely getting rid of the wart. In relation to cracks, the iodized salt is perfectly "working", so with such problems actively make the compositions for the baths with it.

Salt Bath for Deep Cleaning

With the help of hot salt baths, you can also achieve a deep degree of skin cleansing on the legs. To do this, make a mixture of 1.5 tbsp. l. Sea salts and 1 tsp. Food soda, pour it into a pelvis with hot water and after 2-3 minutes to lower his legs into it. The duration of such salt cleaning is not more than 10 minutes. After the procedure, the peeled feet are wrapped and fasten the result of the cream (nutrient or moisturizing).


There are many ways to maintain the beauty of quite affordable means, and salt baths for legs - among them. So do not neglect this opportunity to simply and effectively make your feet healthy and attractive in appearance.

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