Nail Bath with iodine

Nail Bath with iodine

The use of various coatings, incorrect lifestyle, environmental situation, domestic duties (washing, cleaning, washing dishes), gardening work - and this is not all that can make our nails weak and brittle. And if it does not go from it, then the situation needs to be corrected. And for this it is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetics - there are many proven years and quite affordable home tools to strengthen the nail plates. For example, baths with iodine.

Than iodine can help nails

It turns out that this famous antiseptic from the very childhood can much more than we think. With respect to the cosmetology value of iodine, the main role here is played by raw materials from which it is manufactured - sea algae. Their rich in the most useful compositions today is increasingly used for the manufacture of various cosmetology products, especially - to care for nails, hair and leather. It is precisely because of this and the ability to penetrate deeply into the nail plate, iodine has a strengthening effect on it.

Is it possible to use iodine for nails in pure form

Quite often, you can meet recommendations on the simplest use of pharmaceutical iodine solution - applying it in its pure form to the nails. Indeed - a very convenient method for such treatment, but he has one weighty "but". The iodine is an alcohol solution, and by 96%, so "bust" with a dosage only aggravates the poor state of nails. Therefore, if you still tend to such a way to use iodine mortar, apply it to the nails very, very thin in one layer, do it overnight and no more than once a week. However, it is better to add iodine (a couple of droplets) in various nail baths 1-2 times a week.

Nail baths with salt and iodine

To help your noblocks again become strong and healthy, regularly indulging their simple iodine salt baths. To do this, you can use both a simple cream salt and more saturated with minerals its marine "sister". Just pour the selected salt type into a wide bowl, pour it with warm water (in the ratio of 1 tsp. Per 1 cup, respectively), stir and add 3-4 yodes to the saline solution. Take such a water procedure for nails you need 15 minutes.


Iodine nail shelter baths

The iodine can be used to activate the penetration of beneficial substances in the procedures for holding herbal baths to strengthen nails. For example, iodine fashionably strengthen the effect of the following baths: Recipe No. 1 with a purestel - 2 tbsp. l. crushed grass + 1 tbsp. Boiling water + 2 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt + 5 drops of iodine; Recipe number 2 with plantain - 2 tbsp. l. Grass + 1/3 tbsp. Boiling water + 5 drops of iodine. In both cases, the preparation of the bath is similar: flood the grass for 60 minutes in boiling water, then flicker, you turn out a little and in the warm infusion add other components. Taking such a bath - 10-15 minutes.

Orange-iodine Nail Bath

In this embodiment, the iodine bath is enriched with a drum dose of vitamin C, which only enhances the strengthening and anti-masslanting effect of the procedure. Only with one condition - for the recipe, use only freshly squeezed citrus juice. To reconcile in this way of nails, you first dissolve in 1/2 takana water with a warm temperature 2 h. Sea salt. Then saturated with a salt solution ascorbic acid and iodine, adding 1/2 cup of orange juice and 3-4 drops of iodine. The duration of such a nail strengthening procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Oil bath for nails with iodine

No less useful for nail plates and vegetable oil, so it can also be used as part of an effective iodine bath. One of the recipes of such oil-iodine baths consists of the following ingredients: water - 1 tbsp., Vegetable oil (any) - 2 tbsp. l., iodine tincture (5%) - 1 tsp. The preparation of the bath begins with mixing water and iodine, after which it is necessary to pour oil into the resulting solution and bring everything to active consistency in the water bath (or in the microwave). Keep your hands in such a bath you need 10-15 minutes.


To each of the listed baths, it is 100% effective, do not forget to apply the cream after the procedure (preferably - specially designed to strengthen nails).

Comments leave a comment
Kristina 27/10/2018 at 14:12

Thanks for the recommendations! I did not know that I can strengthen iodine nails. Usually made baths with salt, or lemon compresses. I will now also use iodine. Also for nail itch, I take Calcium Chelats Evalarovsky, I eat broccoli, as well as be sure to take linseed oil.


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