Nail castor oil

Nail castor oil

In the people, castor oil is called "Castor" and used mainly to restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract. But castor oil is perfectly suitable for maintaining beauty, although few people know about it. Now we will tell you how this tool can be used to care for nails.

Where to buy castor oil

The oil is sold in a conventional pharmacy, and it costs completely not expensive. When buying carefully examine information, how the oil is made. Preference to make it produced by cold push-ups. In such oil, vitamins and trace elements will be much larger than what is done by extraction or hot pressing. It is manufactured by oil from plant seeds called "Cleshiewin Ordinary".

Useful properties of castor oil

Composition of castor oil:

  • linoleic and oleic acids - saturated with moisture and provides vitamins;
  • ricinoletic acid - nourishes;
  • triglycerides (fats) - ensure the elasticity of tissues.

This complex impact of acids and fats on the nails provides them with good care.

Castor Oil Baths

Mix three types of oils - castor, sunflower and olive, all take 50 ml, i.e. 2 tablespoons. Heat the oil in hot water and drip in a mixture of 3 drops of iodine. Decimal Baths do to strengthen nails. Course - 10-12 procedures.

Another recipe for strengthening the bath will be such. Take the oil of the Caster (5 parts), avocado oil (3 parts) and olive oil (5 parts). Drain them in a cup that stands above the ferry. When oils warm up, lower your fingers in them - the nails will be in the bath. Exposure time - 10 minutes.

Rubbing with castor oil

Strengthen your nails using the Caster can be without a bath. Take 7 parts of the described oil, add 3 parts of soybean oil and 1 part of Bergamot oil. Apply a mixture on the nail plate and wore a nail and cuticle. The course is the same as in the previous recipe. If you currently do not have other oils, then rub the nails with clean castor oil. Before the procedure, do not forget to warm it up a bit.

Castor Oil Massage

A tablespoon of castle oil heat in a water bath to comfortable temperature. Apply oil to the palm and rear parts of the hands and 10 minutes to rub the oil using the "naming" method. Such self-massage of hands with butter will make them soft and gentle, and the nails will receive their portion of vitamins.

Mask with castor oil

Spare in milk 2 handusties of oatmeal. Mix the mass with a whipped egg yolk and a large spoon of castor oil. Apply a mixture on your hands, put on plastic gloves and insulate the terry towel. Keep the mixture on your hands 20-25 minutes. After the mask, you will see how small wrinkles have been smoothed, the skin has become shining, and the nails moistened noticeably (they became more elastic).

Wrapping with castor oil

Add a few drops of the Castorp (on a teaspoon of cream, take 2-3 drops of the Caster). Apply the cream on the hands and put the cotton cosmetic gloves. Keep wrapping as long as possible - dry skin and nails will disappear.

Be sure to keep the castor oil bottle in the house to take advantage of them immediately after washing dishes, hand washing or come with frost. In all cases, unwit between palms a teaspoon of the Caster and definitely distribute it to the nails. Such an express method will quickly restore the water balance of the skin and the nail plate, and the hands will not suffer from adverse factors.

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