Nail Growth Baths

Nail Growth Baths

Nice to look when a woman has beautiful and well-groomed nails. But how to be in a situation where they are far from perfect. Many people want to possess long and healthy nails, but have such an opportunity not all. Such women have to often visit manicure salons, which sometimes cost very expensive. Therefore, to protect your wallet from extra spending, you can use your home. For the growth of nails, folk recipes are invented long ago with the use of baths.

Women's tricks for nails

Before you make a nail bath, you can use several tips, which will only help improve the effect. Some facilities need to be observed constantly, in order to nails have always been in excellent condition:

  • If possible, every day massaging your hands. This is a great opportunity to stimulate the natural growth of your nails.
  • Take the habit to eat healthy food. Enter in your diet vitamins and calcium. These substances are contained in products such as tomatoes, greens, cabbage, milk, cheese, carrots, yogurts, seafood, etc.

Nail Growth Baths

The baths are completely easily created at home and in a few minutes. All components that are needed can be easily found in the apartment or in any nearest store. But such costs and time will be significantly lower compared to the campaign.

For quick and effective growth of nails, one of the best funds will be the creation of oil-based baths, as it contains a lot of useful vitamins. Such means nourish and do not harm the states of the nails. Consider several of the most popular recipes using this product.

Essential oils1

Recipe number 1.

We will need: vegetable oil (any), napkins. Cooking:

  1. Heat the oil;
  2. We apply it to the fingertips for 5-10 minutes;
  3. Wet nails with napkins;
  4. We carry out this procedure for 2 weeks.

Recipe number 2.

We need: Rast. Oil, 5% iodine, water. Production:

  1. We divor the iodine in a glass of water;
  2. Take oil to it;
  3. We put this mixture on a water bath and mix;
  4. We use a nail bath for 15 minutes.

Recipe number 3.

We take: olive oil, salt, iodine. Cooking:

  1. Gray on the water bath 0.75 glass of oil;
  2. I add a drop of iodine and mix thoroughly;
  3. We use a nail bath for 20 minutes;
  4. We wear gloves on the hands of a high / b and keep 3 hours;
  5. After washed with warm water.

Recipe number 4.

We will need: Rast. Oil (cup), vinegar, napkins. Cooking:

  1. Take a quarter of the oil and the same vinegar;
  2. Heat the oil in a water bath and add vinegar there;
  3. Mix to obtain a homogeneous consistency;
  4. Hold your nails in the bath 10 min.;
  5. Watering them with dry napkins.

For productive growth, the baths are known not only with oil. Women also use such easily accessible components as salt, milk.

Baths with milk

Milk is a good tool so that your nails are strong, and the hands are gentle.

For the recipe you need: half of the glass of milk, 3 tbsp. l. Honey, 2 tbsp. l. Natural juice of apples, juice of half of lemon, 2 h. Salt. Cooking:

  1. We warm milk and add the remaining ingredients to it;
  2. We make a nail bath for 20 minutes;
  3. After 30 minutes. re-heat the mixture and repeat the procedure;
  4. Rinse with water and use nutrient cream;
  5. We repeat such baths from 3 to 4 times a week.

Baths from salt

Salt is the most affordable and cheap tool that can replace the hike to manicure masters.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bwater, 1 tbsp. l. Sea salt. Cooking:

  1. In the glass of water we divorce salt;
  2. Lower your hands for 20 minutes.

It doesn't matter what bath you choose to speed up the growth of your nails. The main thing is that you do not have to resort to artificial buildup. And also that all components for home cooking are useful and effective.

Comments leave a comment
Inga 05/10/2020 at 15:00

I think the main reason for the poor growth of nails is that the nutrient body is missing. Therefore, in order to prevent prevention, it is necessary for the naval collagen Evalarovsky accept (he has the most adequate price) and vitamins. Pah pah, nails in excellent condition, never broke and did not crack, grow much better


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