Nails go and break what to do

Nails go and break what to do

Hands with brittle and laying nails look insane and untidy. Thinking that the situation can be saved by extension, many women exacerbate the state of their nail plates. Under the artificial layer of acrylic, native nails acquire an even more deployed look. Therefore, we will figure out in the causes of fragility and give our nails in order.

The main causes of nail damage

Consider the main causes of nail fragility.


Nails become thin and brittle if our hands often come into contact with water. Also in state of nails affects contact with chemical reagents. Therefore, we take the rule: any work to perform, putting household gloves! Even if we need to wash only 2 cups. Also forget about bad habits. Nails are not a garment, we do not use as a opener, screwdrivers, do not scrape with them nagwed stains. Remember that nails are decorating our hands, and not a restricted tool for skimming maneuvers.


The quality of nails deteriorates if there are no vitamins and trace elements necessary for healthy work in our diet. Therefore, carefully review the daily need for beneficial substances. Diets and monotonous nutrition do not contribute to the healthy state of the nails. In these cases, we accept multivitamins. If the nails are thin from nature, a low percentage of cysteine \u200b\u200bcontent in the body, we protect them with special means - firming varnishes, oils, we make baths.

Unsuitable cosmetics

Get rid of all low-quality products for nails care. Cheap varnishes, fluids for their removal, fixers who have not passed quality control, disrupt the water-fat balance of the nail plate.
Also carefully select and manicure tools.

Balanced diet

In order for the nails to grow healthy, strong and not lazy? Be sure to include the following products in your diet:

  • Protein - eggs, chicken, meat, fish, milk;
  • Magnesium - rice bran, dark green vegetables, cereals, beans and lentils;
  • Calcium - fermented milk products, nuts;
  • Vitamin A - butter, carrots;
  • Vitamin C - berries, citrus, spinach, all sorts of cabbage;
  • Vitamin E - nuts, legumes, vegetable oil;
  • Vitamin B - eggs, milk, beer yeast.

Fingering nail baths

Recipes for baths that will help strengthen nails:

  • With salt. We divorce 1 tbsp. l. Sea salts in 1 tbsp. water. Immerse in the nails solution for 10 minutes. We wash and smear bold cream.
  • With iodine and lemon juice. 1/3 cup of water, 1/3 glasses of lemon juice, 4 drops of iodine and 2 h. Mix the salt, immersed in a mixture of nails for 10-15 minutes, rinse and lubricate the nutrient cream.
  • With butter. 1/4 cup of heated vegetable oil and 1/4 cup 9% vinegar mix, immerse in a mixture of nails for 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, we wipe your fingers with a napkin.
  • With butter and iodine. 1 cup of water mixed with 1 tbsp. l. 5% iodine tincture and add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Slightly heating the mixture until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and lowered nails in it for 15 minutes. After that, we wipe your hands and lubricate them with a nutrient cream.

Follow these unchivel advice, and your nails will always be healthy and well-groomed!

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Masha 14/11/2019 at 10:59.

Previously, only on the baths and varnishes reinforced, relying ... And then it came in finally what to help the body is needed from the inside. It began to take the marine collagen Evalarovsky (on shop. Evallar and ordered, very convenient), vitamins A and E .... And gradually all problems came up. The truth says that outdoor care is so-so assistant, in fact))


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