Each girl dreams of a healthy marigold with a beautiful manicure on her hands. In the context of modern ecology and rhythm of life, this task is not from the lungs. Stresses, improper nutrition containing chemistry detergents lead to the fact that the nail plate becomes breaking and fragile. How to avoid this, and what vitamin complexes most beneficially affect the appearance of the nail plate - we will tell in this article.
Signs of nail avitaminosis
The lack of vitamins in the body begins to manifest themselves from the avitaminosis of the nail plate. The fact that it is time to replenish a vitamin reserve, testifies to the appearance of the following problems:
- slowdown in growth and dullness of the nail plate;
- fragility and bundle;
- thinning and fragility of the nail;
- an increase in the size of a white moon in a nail bed;
- the appearance of white specks or strips;
- frequent fungal nail diseases.
About the shortage of which vitamins they say flaws of nails
For each of the above problems, the problems lies their own reason associated with a shortage of one or another vitamin. Consider the maintenance of them:
- Nails consist of protein - keratin. Its shortage is immediately expressed in the extraordinary fragility of the plate.
- The fragility and foliation indicate that the stock of vitamin C, D and biotin has exhausted.
- Thin and weak marigolds are as a result of a lack of vitamin B, as well as trace elements such as zinc, iron, silicon, copper, iodine and selenium.
- The white hole in the nail bed can increase through an insufficient amount of folic acid, iron or zinc.
- The presence of ugly white specks or strips on the plate directly indicates the absence of the necessary dose of iron in the body.
- But if the fungus is practically not excreted from the nails - this is an alarming sign that speaks about weakening immunity as a result of a technique of strong antibiotics. This problem, in addition to antifungal drugs, will also help solve vitamin B and acidophilus.
Review of pharmacy multivitamin nail complexes
Immediately it is necessary to emphasize that if your marigold is worried about some kind of problem, then do not think that it is possible to solve it using the use of one vitamin. In such a situation, it is not without a vitamin complex. Today, pharmaceutical companies offer a great many drugs to improve the state of nails, hair and skin. According to the reviews of patients, there are very good results in the treatment of nails, these drugs like "Vitasharm", "Perfectyl", "Alphabet Cosmetics", "Pantavigar", "Edelstar BIO-01 Actinail", "Special Dragery Merz", "Medobiotin", "Revalid". Some dietary supplements were also well established, namely: "Doppelgers Active", "Lady, Formula", "Phytooferan".
Correct diet as a source of nail vitamins
Despite the effectiveness of a variety of drugs, the best vitamins will be those that we get in the process of nutrition. Each of the nails fit for the health of the nails is contained in our usual products. The main thing is to properly balance their use. Many vegetables, fruits, dietary meat - all this will provide the body with the necessary microelements and minerals. It is important that the products have passed as far as possible processing, then they will remain more useful substances. In more detail, in which foods are contained by the vitamins necessary to strengthen and treat nails, look at the illustration below.
To ensure a beautiful and healthy nail view, it is not necessary to wait until problems appear. It is better to carry out prevention on time, it is balanced to eat and at least twice a year to take a course of vitamin complexes.
I have already convinced that the nails are very important not only for permanent care, but also by the reception of vitamins. I also added the reception of mono vitamin natabiotin to the usual nail care. After them, the nails began to grow faster and look healthier.
Some vitamins may not be enough, unfortunately. I also always drink courses and a sense somehow there was little. And then, when the Marine Collagen Evalarovsky became more and ordering, on the shop. Evallar and I order, it turns out more profitable) and more useful fats in the diet turned on-marigolds became straight eye not to tear off! Beautiful and healthy.