Nail rhinestones like glue

Nail rhinestones like glue

Young girls are very loved by a bright and unusual manicure. If you are going to decorate your marigold with rhinestones, first read our article. In it we will tell about several methods of their gluing and give recommendations on nail design.

Nail design

Before you begin to glue rhinestones, decide on the pattern you want to see on the nails. Design samples you can find on the Internet or come up with yourself. On the paper leaves, draw the future image on the nails and keep this sample before your eyes. Do not strive for the first time to decorate your nails with a huge number of multicolored rhines. Without having experiences glittering brilliant peasants, you risk spoiling a conceived manicure. First, select the most modest drawing and try to do it on one nail. When you do a hand on simple drawings, you can go to more complex.

Preparation of nails

Before the stroke, the non-fascinates of the nails and apply the transparent base under varnish. Next nails cover with colored varnish, which will be the background for the selected pattern. On the dried base with the help of a special thin white pencil, apply the outline of the future picture. This stage will be required if you have conceived with the help of rhinestones, sophisticated pictures on the nails. If you are going to decorate your nails at a minimum, and you have a good eye, then you can not draw the contour for gluing rally.

How to glue rhinestones

Rhinestones on the nails can be glued in several ways.

On transparent lacquer

Cover one prepared nail with a transparent varnish and, while it is not dry, neatly decompose on the nail plate of rhinestones. Use a special thin tweezers or wet toothpick. When all rhinestones take their place on the nail, give the lacquer to dry completely and only after that do the next nail. It is better to glue with a very small rhinestone on the wet varnish, in which the base area is small.

On special glue

For such a method of glueing, nails should be absolutely dry, but already covered with a color basis. In the departments selling goods for professional manicure, buy special glue glue - it is in a small tube with a very thin hollow tip. Strace take a thin tweeze, to apply a small amount of glue to the inverse side of the tube and carefully attach in the dry nail. Special glue must be used when gluing large rhines that have a significant weight.

Self-adhesive rhinestones

There are self-adhesive rhinestones for nails. Such rhinestones are glitched on transparent plates, and they must be removed on one to remove tweezers from the plate and apply to the nail. The adhesive layer, which remained from gluing to the plate, is enough for gluing rhinestones to the nail.

Fixation of rhinestones

When sticking the rhinestones on the nails, each of them at the time of gluing from above is slightly pressing with toothpick or tweezers - this pressure will allow rhinestones reliably clung to the nail. Whatever way you lace up rhinestones on the nails, they must be additionally covered with a transparent varnish. Applying the final layer on the entire nail plate will securely secure rhinestones, and they will not fall off at the first hand washing.

Printing rhives to nails is a very thin and hassle. If you are not very sure that you can gently glue rhinestones on the right hand, then invite your girlfriend - let her help you. Homemade praying is possible if you have sufficient taste and hard hand. It is possible to experiment with nails with rhinestones, but not for particularly solemn events - to a disco, a youth party or to surprise a young man. For more significant events, like a wedding or a solemn reception, better turn to a professional.

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