How to make a mirror manicure at home

How to make a mirror manicure at home

Hollywood or mirror manicure undoubtedly attracts attention to others and is an excellent completion of your bright image for a stylish party. Make it in the cozy home furnishings is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know the basic rules and stock the necessary accessories.

Preparation of nails in front of a mirror manicure

Before you make a mirror coating, you should prepare a nail plate. This stage cannot be missed, otherwise the manicure does not fall as it should, and the nails will look neglected, and the coating is unprofessional.

Features of nail preparation:

  • Remove the old coating with a nail to remove varnish.
  • Remove the cuticle, pre-holding your hands in warm water.
  • Purify the desired shape with a glass sawmill.
  • Carefully polish the nail plates in the Buff, they must be smooth, without tubercles, irregularities and roughness.

Hollywood manicure special varnish

This is the easiest way that does not require special skill. The main thing is to choose the right lacquer, which is suitable for the Hollywood manicure. On the bottle of such varnishes, there must be the word "Mirror" - in English "Mirror". Focusing on this inscription, you will never be mistaken with the choice of the right tool. Apply to the nail lacquer foundation that protects the plate from damage and smoothes small irregularities. Cover the nail with a special mirror varnish and let dry naturally.

These varnishes are all sorts of shades, but the best effect is given golden or silver tones.

Mirror manicure using self-adhesive film

This method requires you to pick up a film so that it coincides with the thickness of your nail. The algorithm for applying the film is as follows:

  • Declaring nail with a varnish remover.
  • Slightly warm the film, hooked under the desk lamp. This will allow to achieve its elasticity.
  • Attach the film to the bottom of the nail and gently scroll it along the plate. In completion, walk on the nail with your voice disk so that the sticker thoroughly sees to the plate.
  • Imprint the film gently cut down with scissors. Come on the edge of the nail with a shallow sawn.

For high-quality manicure, a special film MINX is well suited. It is very thin and does not clog the nail plates, allowing them to breathe. It holds on the nails a little more than a week and easily removed. Manufacturers write that to warm up such a film it is better to use an infrared lamp, but it is possible to achieve elasticity using a conventional lamp or a hair dryer.

Mirror manicure using a foil transferable

This method requires a certain skill, but also easy to perform at home. To make such a manicure, you will need:

  • translated foil for a manicure with a reflective effect;
  • base under varnish coating;
  • cotton or orange stick;
  • ordinary lacquer of the same color as foil;
  • high-quality glue for the transfer foil or any colorless varnish, which dries quickly.

The manicure starts with the application of the base base, after which the plates are covered with nail polish appropriate color. After performing this procedure, work with each marigold in turn: completely done all manipulations with one nail, go to another.

Manicure is performed according to the following scheme.

  • Lubricate the nail plate with a transparent varnish or glue. When using glue, hold it on the plate five minutes.
  • Apply a piece of foil to the plate and scream with your fingers.
  • Rice using a cotton wand.
  • With a sharp movement, tear off the remains of the foil.

Overhead nails for a mirror manicure

Most often, the mirror manicure is needed for one evening, for a bright radiance on any party. If this is your case, it is not worth spending time for long-term manipulations on coloring nails or moving the film. It is easier to use false nails with a metal effect. For example, you can purchase a product of Dashing Diva. Mirrored nails are offered under the name on the go, that is, specifically to exit. It is convenient to glue them very quickly, it is enough to treat the plate with a special tool that is part of the proposed product, and press the invoice.

Mirror manicure is an excellent solution for any noisy holiday or parties, and you do not need to spend time and money on salon procedures. Shining notes can be made at home, besides, the choice of methods for performing this manicure is quite large. The proposed methods will help you achieve the desired effect and choose the most convenient option depending on your time and financial capabilities.

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