How to use Stamping for Nail

How to use Stamping for Nail

Beautiful extraordinary drawings on nails is always relevant and unusual. Such a decoration will give the highlight of the style and will not go unnoticed in a circle of friends. To independently apply a high -quality artistic coating of manicure is an almost impossible task. Only an experienced and talented master of manicure can perform a beautiful aesthetic pattern with a brush. How to decorate the nails at home? Previously, various patterns could be made using stickers for manicure. To date, this method of decorating nails is outdated. Stamping method has appeared. We will tell you what it is and how to do artistic manicure in this way.

Stamping is called the process of applying a print to the nail using special tools. The Konad Konad is a popular brand for the production of manicure supplies, including Stamping. On the shelves of specialized stores for manicure, you can find both finished sets, including stamping devices and varnishes, as well as separate parts of the set. Stamping kit includes the following items:

  • a metal disk with prints, usually 4-8 drawings are placed on one disk;
  • scraper for removing excess varnish on the disk;
  • a stamp for applying a pattern to a nail plate;
  • sometimes the kit includes a disk stand, thanks to which the disk will be fixed in a stable position and it will be possible to carefully apply the varnish and smear the stamp;
  • stamping devices are in the form of a special mechanical apparatus, where all the necessary parts of the kit are combined - using such a set, it is not difficult to perform stamping;
  • for stamping, you will also need a lacquer, colored varnishes (for the main coating and drawing) at the choice, the coater varnish.

Preparatory work before using stamping is the performance of a hygienic manicure and applying basic varnish. Then paint your nails in the chosen basic color with two layers. Wait until it dries completely and only then proceed to the Print application procedure.

Take a metal disk with patterns. If there is a stand for the disk, it's time to use it. Then apply the varnish selected for the required print in a thin layer. After that, carefully clean the disk of excess varnish with a confident movement. Try to remove all the varnish outside the print, but without damaging the pattern.

Take the stamp and press to the disk at the site of the required pattern. Hold the stamp for a few seconds in the crushed position. The drawing should be clearly printed on the sponge.

Now you need to transfer the pattern from the stamp to the nail plate. To do this, gently pressure, rolling the stamp on the bend of the nail, print the drawing on the nail. Repeat all actions on each nail. To get a complex pattern, you need to repeat the actions several times on each nail, making a pattern. Complete the stamping by applying the addicator varnish, having previously made sure that the print is completely dry.


If you have a special mechanical stamping apparatus, then the process of applying the pattern will become even easier and much faster. It is necessary to fix the metal disk in the device, apply varnish to the print and put a finger in a special hole. By clicking on the lever for the first time, you will print the drawing on the stamp. Then move the lever to the finger and press again - the print will be printed on the nail.

Stamping is a wide platform for creativity. Only one disk of patterns can create hundreds of various nail painting. Add other techniques, for example, “French manicure”, decorate the print with rhinestones or complement with artistic painting - and your manicure will become extraordinary, individual and admirable. After the procedure, do not forget to clean all the tools from the varnish using varnishing liquids. But do not use the products containing oils - they will spoil stamping devices.

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