Pencil for removing cuticle how to use

Pencil for removing cuticle how to use

Beautiful well-groomed nails - a mandatory attribute of female beauty and attractiveness. Nail care implies removal of oroging skin at the base of the nail plate - the cuticle. It not only interferes with the healthy growth of the nail, but also looks non-psycho and repulsive. Fortunately, there are modern methods for removing the cuticle, such as the use of a special pencil.

What is a pencil for removing cuticle

Cuticle removal pencil is a relatively new invention. Not so long ago, extremely cutting devices were used to remove the skin hanging over the nail. The skin was cut off with a special sterilized device with sharp blades, but this method has many drawbacks:

  • With regular trimming, the skin begins to grow faster.
  • With this method, it is not always possible to avoid injuries and cuts.
  • If after the procedure is not moistened and do not calm the skin around the nail, it will be rude and unattractive.

To eliminate the problems described, the pencil was invented. It looks like a marker or a brush connected to the rod, within which the special composition is located. This composition splits and softens the damaged skin so that its removal is then easily facilitated.

How to use a pencil to remove cuticle

Use a pencil is very simple. Even newcomer will cope with the cuticle removal procedure, with a special pencil, not necessarily visit professional manicurers. It is only necessary to get orange chopsticks for manicure and make some simple actions:

  • Wash your hands with soap and wash them with a towel. Before the procedure, it is important that the nails are clean.
  • Spend a pencil on the skin at the base of the nail and around it. Apply the composition for each finger.
  • To obtain the maximum effect, you need to wait some time, usually no more than a minute, the exact time is indicated in the instructions for the pencil or on its packaging.
  • Take a manicure wand and move the softened cuticle to the bottom of the nail with a smooth movement. During the procedure, pain should not occur.
  • It remains only to wash off the remnants of the means with water and wipe hands again.

Advantages of a pencil for removing cuticle

Manicure pencil is a new invention, but its popularity is rapidly growing thanks to the convenience of use and a number of advantages:

  • With such a pencil, professional manicure became available at home even to people who do not have the experience of nail care.
  • The removal of the cuticle with the help of a special composition prevents the risk of infection or injuries possible when cutting it.
  • Pencil is easy to take with you, so a manicure can be done not only at home, but also at work or on a journey.
  • As part of the gel, which is applied to the skin, there are not only special softening ingredients, but also soothing and moisturizing components. Thus, after the procedure, additional care is not required.
  • Also, the gel includes components that slow down the growth of the cuticle, so you need to repeat the procedure more and less.

It is not difficult to use a pencil to remove the cuticle, and the effect of its application is visible immediately. This is a modern way to make your nails careful and attractive without hiking in expensive salons and excessive time spending!

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