European manicure: Technology implementation

European manicure: Technology implementation

European manicure is designed for beauty lovers with fine and delicate skin, because its technology eliminates cuticle cutting with scissors. It is also convenient to apply it to those who have a close location of the vessels, since the risk is absolutely eliminated. We learn more, how to perform a manicure on the European Scheme.

The principle of European manicure

The European manicure technology is based on the softening of the cuticle with the help of a special solution and the further removal of its orange stick. It requires systematic application. It is quite at least once a week to make a European manicure to bring hands to the appropriate look, since it depends on the degree of softening of the skin formations around the nails. The first procedure is not always carried out properly, since most people have coarse skin in the field of cuticle, and some parts of the skin formations still have to cut off with scissors. But if you do not miss weekly procedures, the ideal effect can be achieved in a month. At the same time, the use of moisturizing and feeding creams and masks for hands will be very useful.

Healthy nails-2

Preparation of undergraduates

When performing the European manicure, you will need:

  • laser file;
  • pilot polishing;
  • solution for softening the cuticle;
  • orange chopstick;
  • moisturizing and feeding oil to strengthen skin and nails;
  • cuticle pencil;
  • hand cream;
  • manicure scissors (if you perform the procedure for the first time).

European manicure technology

The technology of implementation of the European manicure is as follows:

  1. Wash your hands, clean your nails from the old varnish.
  2. Remove the necessary shape nails. It is desirable that it reflects the shape of the cuticle. To do this, cut your nails and use the laser file.
  3. After the spool, the side rollers are also a laser saw.
  4. Enter the softening solution on the cuticle. The liquid for the European manicure includes various vegetable additives and natural extracts designed to remove the cuticle by gentle way.
  5. In a minute, blot your nails with a napkin and an orange stick gently separate the extra part of the cuticle.
  6. Sighten your hands with water and wipe dry.
  7. Collect and polish your nails with a polishing sawn.
  8. Apply the nutrient oil to the nail plates, slightly rubbing it with circular motions.
  9. Moisten your hands with cream.
  10. Cuticle pencil Use during the day several times. Take the rule to lubricate the cuticle with oils after each hand washing.

Features of the application of the European manicure

Any coating applied to the nails after the European manicure will continue in perfect state much longer, as the technology does not provide for the discharge of the nail plate, but is performed dry. Significant time savings on the procedure makes it possible to perform a manicure even on days with the maximum loaded working schedule. It is more convenient to use special mobile sets for the European manicure, which are available on sale in many cosmetic stores. As a rule, all the necessary tools and coatings are already included in their set.

Considering all the above moments of the manicure on the European Scheme, it can be noted that it is simple enough and safe. Therefore, each of us with ease can choose this novelty for yourself. However, it should be remembered that the effect does not come immediately, and systematic use is one of the main conditions for a decent result.

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