Cuticle oil how to use

Cuticle oil how to use

The cuticle is the part of the nail, from the state of which is not only the appearance of the manicure, but also how the novels themselves are growing and look. Therefore, care for the cuticle is Must Have a full-fledged hand care. Especially relevant for those who prefer editing manicure. And in this article we will look at one of the tools that will help maintain healthy this gentle and sensitive nail roller - oil for the cuticle.

What is the oil for the cuticle

The cuticle oil is a specially selected composition of vegetable and essential oils, the tasks of which include protection, nutrition and restoration of this important part of the nail. Therefore, such "monoliths" of cosmetology, such as oil jojoba, olives, almonds, rice bran or wheat sprouts, as well as therapy, are most often used as the base.

Essential oils are entered as aromatic and useful components:

  • rosemary and tea tree (to fight and warn inflammation);
  • coniferous (pine, cedar);
  • sandal (as a foothold of the nail plate);
  • lavender and eucalyptus (as "anti-transient" means);
  • citrus (for shiny and strong nails).

Spectrum of Oil Action for Cuticle

In the process of our intensive life, the mass of factors affects the cuticle, which do not quite positively affect its condition:

  1. Misuse;
  2. Lack of vitamins;
  3. Aggressive external environment (frost or heat, salted sea water and water pools);
  4. The impact of chemical agents (household chemicals, production harm).

As a result, a sensitive thin cuticle is even more thinned, heats up and begins to crack. And cracks and burstles are open doors for infection. Conduct with all the listed "aggressors" and is designed to the oil for the cuticle. Such a cosmetic composition is saturated with vitamins and useful substances, parallel to the reinforcing antimicrobial barrier. In the case, if you have already encountered a problem of drying out, inflammation or bursavar, such oil will help to return your cuticle to the initially normal state.

Rules for using oil for cuticle

To experience the entire range of the effects of the oil for the cuticle, make this procedure into your daily leaving ritual. Optimally apply the composition overnight so that he can be able to freely penetrate the cuticle and have an impact. For this, there is a single droplet of oil on one nail. Also make this procedure for the completion of the manicure. You can put the procedure for rubbing with a light massage, capturing the entire nail plate. In this case, your marigold will receive a bonus in the form of soft grinding and additional feeding with the useful substances.

Store Oils for Cuticle

Today, many manufacturers of care cosmetics included in their range and oils for the cuticle:

  • ORLY, such a composition is called Cuticle Oil and under its orange aroma contains an effective moisturizing and strengthening effect.
  • OPI oil has a wider composition (bone oil, sesame, avocado, sunflower, lecithin and vitamins A, B, E, D), thanks to which the growth of the nails is strengthened, and the cuticles are slowed down. It is noteworthy that this composition can be applied on top of varnish.
  • No less active composition has the "smart enamel" oil, which copes well with the main care, and with problems (sowing, cracks, inflammation).
  • A tool from SEA of SPA, the range of which also captures nutrition, and treatment, and strengthening. But it is necessary to apply it only on clean notes without coating.

Cooking oil for cuticle at home

Due to the fact that the composition of the cuticle oils does not have intricate formulas and secret ingredients, it is possible to make such a super remedy. It is only necessary to choose the recipe you like and acquire the ingredients.

We picked up for you some of the most effective recipes:

  1. Recipe No. 1 - feed-firming. Mix 10 ml of grape bone oil, 3 drops of lemon oil and the contents of one capsule vitamin E.
  2. Recipe number 2 - restoring. In a slightly heated apricot oil (1 tbsp.) Add 2 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops - tea tree.
  3. Recipe # 3 - for a healthy shine and bleaching nails. Jojoba oil (7 ml) + rose oil Moscow (3 ml) + contents of liquid vitamin E + essential oils (ylang-ylang 2 drops and lemon 3 drops).

Store such homemade compositions for the cuticle are needed in glass tanks with the same glass cover.

If you summarize, then the oil for the cuticle is the necessary and at the same time quite affordable tool that will make your marigold and healthy, and beautiful. So we advise everyone who has not yet introduced such a procedure into your hand care, be sure to do this and enjoy the result.

Comments leave a comment
Rita 18/10/2015 at 16:54

Thank you, great advice!

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tanussitta. 18/10/2015 at 23:27

And thanks for you for thanks!))

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