Apricot bone oil how to use

Apricot bone oil how to use

Apricot seed extract - a valuable cosmetics, an environmentally friendly and natural product for your health. Its use is able to improve the condition of the skin, hair, and also turn the biological clock to reverse. A similar product is obtained from Alyci seeds and some other fruits.

Oil use of apricot bones

First of all, this tool is a container of a huge amount of vitamins that are fully absorbed by the body. Cold pressing method is obtained. And this means that it does not contain harmful impurities, while maintaining all valuable substances. Among them:

  • vitamin A, guaranteeing the skin smoothness, elasticity, elasticity and a young look;
  • vitamin C, supporting immunity and employee of the prevention of acne;
  • vitamin B, regulating metabolism, eliminating dryness, peeling and \\ or bold shine;
  • maximum vitamin F, which enhances the regeneration of skin cells, preventing its fading;
  • connections of potassium and magnesium providing comprehensive support;
  • mass of other microelements serving antioxidants and feed coverings.

Purpose of apricot bone oil

It should be noted that the extract of apricot seeds will bring more benefits on mature skin, but all other age categories can also be used to apply it. The oil will help to soften the coarse skin, quickly delay the epithelium, calm the sebaceous glands and normalize their functions. The remedy helps to increase the tone of the skin through stimulating the production of elastane and collagen. As a result, the face and body acquire a healthier look. Sensitive and problem skin, oil relieves redness and inflammation. It is also indispensable when leaving for eyelids and sections around the eyes. Extract from the bones is useful to add to the means for infants, but clearly dosed so as not to cause allergies.

Using an exhaust of apricot bones

This oil is allowed to use both in pure form and in mixtures. After adding a few drops of the substance into cream, scrub, shower gel, or even shampoo, you will certainly feel his mild therapeutic effect. Based on the extract, it is recommended to prepare home tonic (but not for fatty covers) and creams, apply them for the night under the eyes and along the problem areas. Rubbing the oil in the nails and the baths with it will make your manicure perfect even without visiting the cosmetic salon. Apricot extract is suitable for massage and self-massage, including anti-cellulite. In order for the composition of the most productive action, connect together three drops of lemon oil, geranium and grapefruit with four drops of fennel and rosemary, adding 2 teaspoons of the base in the form of an apricot bone oil. For brilliance and hair forces, add 10-15 drops of drawing into your favorite mask. Recall that when rubbing oil in the skin it is worth following massage lines and use your fingertips alone or a cotton disk alone.

Apricot bone oil is known in folk medicine for quite a long time. It is believed that in addition to cosmetic purposes, the use of drawing helps in the prevention of respiratory diseases, curable of ulcers penetrating injuries. In medicine, such oil is used to prepare ointments and even some injections. Store this tool and any other based on it follows in the refrigerator, at a temperature of at least +4 degrees.

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