Age-related skin changes are a natural and inevitable process. But every woman wants to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. Then creams with a lifting effect come to the rescue. These funds are able to restore the elasticity and youth of the skin, without resorting to surgical intervention. About when to start using a face lifting cream, to pay attention to when it is selected and how to use it correctly, read further in this article.
Lifting cream
The main task of the lifting cream for the face is the intensive smoothing of deep and mimic wrinkles, the prevention of the formation of new imperfections, as well as the restoration of the facial oval and the protection of the skin from environmental impact. With a cream with a lifting effect, problems such as dragging, dryness and peeling of the skin can be solved. The feature of lifting creams is precisely in an integrated approach to solving the problems of age-related skin changes. Therefore, choosing the right cream, you not only get rid of wrinkles, but also return the face a healthy tone, and the skin is shine.
When you start using
Many women, seeing the first wrinkles, are very frightened and begin to convulse with creams from wrinkles, including with the lifting effect. In no case do not do it - most of the components of the lifting cream are contraindicated by young skin. The components of the cream lifting are aimed at the powerful activation of the processes of skin regeneration, and the women of the younger age category risk losing natural cellular functionality. Skin care is very important to comply with age recommendations. Lifting cream can be used to use women aged after forty years. Prior to this age, it is necessary to use moisturizing and supportive alternatives.
What is a good cream lifting
To disassemble and choose a worthwhile and effective means of a huge number of lifting creams offered by manufacturers, not easy. However, there are special active ingredients to pay attention to. Seeing them as part of creams in the first positions, you can be confident in its effectiveness. Here are some of them:
- Wheat embryos extract - helps to give the skin elasticity, moisturizes and regenerates even deep layers of dermis.
- Linolenic acid - restores the protective functions of the skin.
- Rosemary extract - struggles with inflammation on the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of the environment.
- Hyaluronic acid and glycerin - actively soften and moisturize the skin.
- Aloe extracts, calendulas, carrots, tea tree - have an intense rejuvenating effect, restore intercellular bonds, vitaminized, moisturized and create a protective barrier from free radicals on the skin.
- Callagen and Elastin - intensify the process of formation of new cells.
- Citrus essential oils - tone, soften and whiten the skin.
How to use the cream of the lifting
Of course, before applying any means you should familiarize yourself with the instructions. However, there are basic rules for efficient use of lifting cream:
- You can apply a lifting cream in the morning and in the evening. Consider, to apply in the evening the cream follows two hours before sleep, otherwise you risk waking up with eductions and swelling.
- Apply the cream should be lightly circular massage movements from the bottom up, from the center of the face to the periphery.
- Before applying, the cream lifting should be deeply cleaning the skin of the face.
- Strengthen the effect of funds can be using one or twice a week masks with a lifting effect.
If forty, and you are bothering up age-related skin changes, be sure to add cream to your leafing effect. If it is difficult for you to independently decide on the choice or, having tried a lot of funds, you could not find the appropriate cream with your skin - contact a cosmetologist for help. Considering all the features of your skin, it will help you choose your effective and efficient lifting cream.
As a beautician, I can say that any moisturizing cream will possess the lifting effect, because it is precisely skin moisturizing is the prevention of wrinkles. But in any case, you must remember that the creams of deep layers of the skin are not moisturized .... For this, only hyaluronic acid needs to be drunk. Usually I advise Evalarovskaya with a dosage of 150 mg. It is checked in quality and many prases.