How to apply a tonal cream

How to apply a tonal cream

Tonal cream is a base for makeup, with which you can hide small face defects and adjust its shape. Not all types of tonal cream are applied equally. Depending on the texture and the composition, the means is chosen to impose it on the skin. In this article we will tell about the methods of applying a tonal cream.

The tone cream is selected depending on the features of the skin and its type. Girls with dry skin can safely acquire dense tinting substances. With the help of such a basis, it is possible not only to give the skin smoothness, but also disguise the shortcomings. Apply a thick tone is recommended only to sponge with small pores. It is impossible to rub the substance with the fingers. The thick base is clogged in folds and wrinkles. That is why it is necessary to use a sponge to create an ideal tone. The thick tone cream can be used girls with combined skin only under evening makeup. Due to the large amount of fat, such a substance may worsen the condition of the skin and provoke the appearance of acne.

How to apply a tonal cream

All toning bases need to be applied in definitely sequences. Type a few basics on the sponge and point movements to apply it to the area around the eyes, forehead, chin and nose. That is, begin to apply with the convex parts of the face. Now we grow a cosmetic sponge the basis towards the wings of the nose. In the forehead area, we grow a means towards the temys. No need to distribute tone from the chin to the neck. Correctly do this: distribute the tool from the lips to the chests, carefully worry all the folds and wrinkles.

How to apply a tonal cream

For day makeup, take a light translucent agent. It is difficult to hide large skin defects. If there are red spots on the face, you do not need to take a thick cream. Better disguise defects with a consilet or a special tonal pencil. After that, apply a slight tonal agent.

How to apply a tonal cream

How to hide disadvantages with a tonal cream? To do this, get the means of different shades close to the main color. To select inconspicuous part, it is necessary to apply light glare. If you have a big nose, then hide the back with a light tone. Apply a dark cream on the side of the nose and rush borders. Want to make the face of the square form oval? Then apply a dark to the cheekbones, and the rest of the surface is light cream.

How to apply a tonal cream

Remember, if you have dry skin, then you should not purchase a mix of tonal and day cream. Buy separately moisturizing and tinting agent. Apply a moisturizing cream on the skin in the morning and let it fully absorb. Only after that evenly distribute the tone. If the skin prone to the appearance of redness and acne, buy a consillion or an antiseptic pencil with a tonal effect. To hide bruises under the eyes, use a light consilet. Carefully grow in direction towards cheeks. After that, apply a slight tonal agent.

How to apply a tonal cream

Never apply a tone that is much brighter your skin. He will give the face a painful look. It is better to apply tone on the tanned skin with a bronze tint. If you have tanned skin, it will not be possible to adjust the face form with the cream. Take advantage of blunders.

If you do not know how to fix the form of a face with a tonal cream, contact your makeup artist. Watch it for his work, and soon you can mask skin defects yourself and adjust the face form.

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