How to make day makeup

How to make day makeup

Makeup is art. Mastering them, any woman looks always flawless. Almost every day the beautiful floor faces the need of day makeup. In this article, I would like to answer the question in detail how to make it right.

Main rules

When performing day makeup, it is recommended to adhere to these rules:

  • Naturalness and restraint is the most important difference between such makeup, so apply it only during natural lighting, and even uniform, bilateral.
  • Select the natural matte or semi-wave shades, approached by natural skin tone.
  • The lines spend neatly and even so that they can be seen only at close range.
  • Make an accent in makeup or eyes, or on the lips.
  • Carefully choose a tonal tool according to the type and tone of your skin.
  • Before applying a tone basis, be sure to use the daily cream in order to ensure the skin care and smooth complexion.

Day Makeup

Features of the drawing of a tone

Apply a thin layer. In order to avoid the effect of the mask, impose it slightly wet sponge. Under the eyes apply a consulter. The tonal base is evenly growing across the surface of the skin of the face, without individual smears, so that there are no spots. Carefully grow in the borders of the applying of a tonal cream on the forehead, temples, neck. To secure makeup, use the crumbly powder. Apply it with a soft wide brush to the raid tone. If you have healthy skin without problems, you can only use powder.

Day Makeup

Application Rumyant

It is believed that the day to use them optionally. However, they are able to give you a fresh and healthy look. Choose soft pink, peach shades, the most approximate to natural. Before applying, smile and disinfect the blush first on the "apples", then grow on the cheeks.

Day Makeup

Makeup Brotia

The form of eyebrows determines the expressiveness of the face, so pay due attention to them. Stress them, however, keep moderation. Tonnize their shadows for the color of the hair, imposing them with a thin tassel. If your eyebrows do not need to be selected by color, simply use a colorless gel to give them a neat form.

Makeup Brotia


Pick the shadows from the natural palette, for example, gray, light brown, beige.

Eye shadow:

  • Blue eye owners are better to use golden, peach, beige colors.
  • Brown eyes emphasize with gray, pink, beige or khaki color.
  • Green eyes will suit brownish shades, copper or pale violet color.

First apply a light color to the upper eyelids to the eyebrows and the inner corners of the eyes. Stress the lower eyelids by the same color. Then, more dark color, let off the fold of the upper eyelid from the outer angle to the internal. Gently grow in. When using eyeliner, refuse black. The arrow drawn by a neutral pencil is growing. Or draw an arrow with wet shadows, this method will allow you to look like the most natural as possible. Complete the Make Up eye to apply carcass in one layer.



In the day makeup of the lips, give up bright, heavy tones. The best looks like a shine that corresponds to the tone of your Rumen. To give lips volume, use a natural tone contour pencil. Slightly grow larger lines conducted by a pencil, then apply shine to the upper and slightly more on the bottom lip.

Makeup lip.

Make a day makeup simply, the main thing to remember the basic rules. A little practice - and you will get with the help of makeup to create an attractive and natural image that will not leave any male heart indifferent.

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