Evening makeup for blondes

Evening makeup for blondes

For some reason, it is considered that blondes should avoid bright shades of cosmetics. It may be due to the fact that blonde hair gives them a lightweight aerial view, not always combined with juicy saturated colors in make-up. But this is not a reason to abandon elegant evening makeup, which suggests more intensive application of cosmetics than usual. Following our tips, you can make expressive evening makeup, which will be harmoniously looked with your hair.

We prepare the skin of the face

Be sure to align the complexion of the face with a tonal cream. Its hue select on one or two tones lighter than your natural skin tone. We start applying tonal cream:

  • Issimate a little tonal cream on the wrist, in front of it vigorously shake the bottle with it. Thanks to the warmth hand, the cream will soften, and its use will become easier.
  • Start applying it from the center of the face. Create a qualitatively cream, heading towards the outer edges of the face, take advantage of your fingers or a wide brush.
  • Do not forget to cover the neck and zone with the neckline, if you are in an open dress.

We are focused on the eyes

For events running in the evening, Smoky Eyes are well suited. They suggest expressive arrows and more rich shades of shadows. Typically, blondes are undesirable to make the arrow of black color, but evening makeup it allows. Draw arrows in front of:

  • In the upper eyelid, a soft black pencil for eyeliner, draw a wide arrow, running along the growth line of the eyelashes. It should be a little bit out for the outer edge of the growth line of eyelashes towards the temple.
  • Scroll through the sections between the eyelashes and pencil, do not allow the surface of the body color between them.
  • In the lower eyelid, draw another arrow, spend it on the mucous eye.

Such spectacular arrows will make eyes more expressive.

Go to the application of the shadows. Select them, based on the color of your eyes. Green-eyed blondes are suitable shadow of warm shades: emerald, golden, peach and brown. If you have gray or blue eyes, cool colors will look good: blue, lilac, blue, gray. The owners of brown eyes are better to choose between gold, gray, bronze and blue colors. Deciding with a shadow of shadows, we begin to apply them:

  • Cover all the top moving eyelid, a little leaving his outer contour.
  • Lightly shock the shadows of the arrow applied before. This will provide a smooth transition between colors.
  • Move the lower eyelid applicator with silver or other suitable in color, shadows.
  • In the external corners of the eye of the shadow we grow up as an applicator, heading for the temples.

We finish the application of makeup

Your solemn image is almost ready, there are still a few final strokes:

  • Cook the eyelashes in black masses, which gives additional volume. Smoothly rotating the brush, squeeze them from the roots and before the tips.
  • Take advantage of blunders, preferably a beige shade, which gives the person the necessary expressiveness. Apply them on the chin, cheekbones, the external sides of the forehead.
  • Lips do not allocate too much, because the main focus is already on the eyes. Try to do without lipstick, take advantage of the brilliance. It will make lips shining and more voluminous. Choose a glitter of pastel shade: light pink or beige.

Evening makeup is completely finished! Before leaving, get a good mood before going out and get ready to make admiring compliments from others.

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