Asian makeup how to do

Asian makeup how to do

The captivity of the Aziatoks of Single to the whole world by many representatives of the strong half of humanity. The beauty of Eastern beauties is special - exquisite, mysterious and very thin. Therefore, many women of European appearance so want to "try on" such a mysterious image. And this is quite real, if you know the technical nuances of the makeup of Asian women.

Shadows in Asian Makeup

Since the main motive of Asian makeup is to emphasize the natural beauty, the shadow in it apply to the corresponding palette. Most often used shades of white and bright shades of beige, golden, cream, matte or shimmering structure. In the event of a European eye, such a color gamma will help to hide the folds inherent in us on the eyelids. Also, light shadows are applied under the eyebrow line, and therefore it is better to choose shimmering shades. Sometimes in Asian makeup uses an additional drawing of the century with dark color shades of shadows (along the edge of the mobile eyelid) or a more modern version - bright, catchy.

Asian Makeup

The main role in the Makeup of the Asian Makeup is given to this cosmetic product, since it is the eyeliner underlines the eye cut inherent in this nation. Use a thin tassel for this so that the drawn line is very thin and very neat. First, emphasize the black line of the upper century contour (as close as possible to the growth line of the eyelashes) - from the inner angle of the eye to the external. Please note that the line goes well on the indicated circuit and only from the outer angle of the eye climbs up. You can "along the way" to the outer edge gradually thickening the line. The lower eyelid is correctly adjusted with the help of light (ideally gray) eyeliner or cosmetic pencil: for the owners of the almond-shaped eye of the eye - applying the selected equipment on the line of the eyelashes, for those who have a higher eye shape - just below this line, deriving it to external The corner of the eye on the edge of the century.

Mascara in Asian makeup

For a carcass in Asian makeup, a rather modest place is allocated, so it's not worth getting to it. Since the distinguished thick volumetric eyelashes visually increase and round the eyes, which does not fit into the concept of the eye of an Asian eye makeup. Therefore, one layer of an ordinary or extension carcass is quite enough, and it is possible to limit ourselves to everyday make-up mekap in oriental style. With respect to the application of carcasses on the lower eyelashes, the opinions of stylists diverge: some consider it necessary to preserve their beauty without cosmetics, others still advise slightly to cry.

Eyebrows in Asian Makeup

If you approach Asian makeup in his classic understanding, then everything is concise and simply with eyebrows and simply - they should be straight, black and have clear contours. Sometimes, depending on your source data (face shapes), you can be a little bend a little. At the same time, remember that the visual effects of eyebrows, like clear bends, sings, corners, will be inappropriate here. Also pay attention to the distance between the eyebrows - the Japanese is most often big. Regarding the thickness of the eyebrows, the Asian "Onions" is not so demanding, but still it is better not to go beyond the generally accepted framework.

Asian Makeup face

Definitely the Asian face should be matte. Talk means, focusing on your tone face. But note that they should create the effect of eastern skin, that is, a certain darkness. Also, asians often labeled areas under the eyes and on the cheekbones, catching a brighter tone of the tone. Blush is better used within the natural palette of colors with a flickering effect.

Lips in Asian Makeup

The modesty and the restraint of the Makeup in Asian applies to the lips. Therefore, glitters do not apply, and large and chubby lips reduce with a pencil and dark lipstick. Most often in the creation of oriental image, red and pink lipstick shades appear with the mandatory use of a pencil for lips. That is, the clarity of the contours is welcome in this part of the makeup. Advantage to matte lipsticks.

Eastern beauty is a powerful weapon to conquer male attention. However, at first, carefully look at yourself - a pronounced Slavic route will be very difficult to make east. Love yourself as you are!

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