Makeup for lowered eyes

Makeup for lowered eyes

Many girls are complex about their appearance and fight in every possible way. Of course, you can correct the shape with a variety of diets, but what to do with the face? Especially a lot of inconveniences of fine sexes deliver lowered corners of the eyes and lips. In this article, we will tell how with the help of makeup make "crying eyes" expressive and visually raise the edge.

No "Smoke Ice"

If you have lowered corners of the eyes, you will have to abandon the effect of "feline eye" and meikapa in the "Banana" technique. Remember, you must try to raise an outer corner of the eye. To do this, you can use a liquid eyeliner or applied shadow with a wet method. Try not to paint the eyelids with dark shadows.

At the initial stage, cover the moving eyelid light tone, it can be a matte or golden shade. Now apply a dark tone to the outer corner of the eye. Try to keep the brush not through the cut line, but a little higher. To do this, it is convenient to use a special stencil or thin wet brush.

Makeup for lowered eyes

How to remove the "crying eye" effect

To do this, uniformly impose light shadows on the moving eyelid. Take a thin liner with a thin brush and draw the boundaries of the arrows. It can be made by points or strokes. Do not repeat your natural bend. The arrow should go up. To significantly increase and "open" the eyes will help special tweezers for lining eyelashes.

Cook the eyelashes with bulk ink, carefully painting them from an outer corner. Do not apply the eyeliner to the entire growth line of eyelashes. You need to read the line from the middle and to the outer corner. The inner part of the century remains not touched. Apply light shadows on it.

Makeup for lowered eyes

What to do with eyebrows

Remember to adjust the "weeping eyes", it is necessary to spend a lot of time on eyebrow shaping. To do this, under it, apply the lightest shade. This may be a pearlescent white pencil that you want to shade the powder puff or sponge. Take special shade for eyebrows or plain black pencil. Draw a line carefully. By means of a rigid brush blend border. It is necessary that the eyebrow was not an arc shape, and slightly raised up. This will help to open the eyes.

Makeup for lowered eyes

What not to do

Do not use very dark shadows and apply them to the entire eyelid. It is advisable to abandon the staining of the lower cilia, it underscores the tired eyes. For daytime makeup use pastel colors and give up the dark colors. You can not paint the upper eyelid with one color in the technique of "banana" when there is no smooth transitions. Do not paint over the eyes of the natural lines of the cut.

Makeup for lowered eyes

When applied shadows at the outer corner try to make up the diagonal, avoiding the application of funds for the lower part of the century. Do not use a pencil or eyeliner for registration of the lower eyelid. It can make up a white pencil or light shadows.

Makeup for lowered eyes

If you do not know how to fix this defect, watch the video, or use the services of a makeup artist. The complex is not about the "sad eyes", US scientists have shown that a girl with such a feature is very kind and caring.

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