How to make makeup

How to make makeup "Smoky Ice"

Makeup, like clothes, should always be fashionable. Today, suitable for almost all women and for each case is considered Makeup "Smoky Ice". Using different color combinations, such makeup will look in a new way.

Necessary materials

To create Makeup "Smoka Ice" you will need such tools and means of decorative cosmetics, as:

  1. Base under eye makeup or consiler;
  2. Pencil for black eye, very soft;
  3. Matte shadows for eyes of such colors: black, gray, brown;
  4. Handwashing brush shadows;
  5. Shadow brush;
  6. Black mascara;
  7. Pencil or eyebrow shadows.

Preparation of the eyelids

Apply the eye makeup for all eyelids. So you will prevent the shadows rolling, they will look much more juicy. If you do not have the base under shadow, then apply a little tonal cream to the eyelid. It is also possible to replace the base under shadow with a consilet, just that is intended for the area around the eyes, this will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

We carry out a pencil line

Using a soft black eye pencil, spend a line along the growth of eyelashes. Do not go out for this line, as it turns out the arrow, not the line. The pencil should be so soft, so that it is well grown.

Apply black shadows

Brush for applying shadows by driven movements we apply black shadows over the eloquent pencil. Apply needed throughout the mobile century. The color of the shadows should be very intense. It is best to look in such make-like matte shadows.

We make a smooth transition

We apply gray shadows. Brush for the essay we make a smooth transition between black and gray shadows. External corners are crouching with gray shadows, the eyes should be open.

Add and rubbing the third color

Apply in the fold of the eyelid and on the inner end of the eyebrows of the shadow of brown. Good growing the border between gray and brown shadows. Their color should be combined with each other.

Draw a pencil from below

Black soft pencil draw a line along the growth of eyelashes in the lower eyelid. This line should reach the middle of the lower eyelid, start from the outer edge of the eye. The line is needed thin, the best thing to go a little on the eyelashes.

Crashing a pencil line

The line that you painted in the lower eyelid, you need a fine brush to grow well. We connect the next line with gray shadows and also grow. As a result, the features of the upper and lower eyelid should be connected.

We look at the eyelashes of mascara

If you have small eyes - it is necessary to cross the lower eyelashes in one layer. Shadows or pencil for eyebrows tinted eyebrows. At the same time, the makeup of the lip should not be pronounced, so it is better to use lipsticks and brilliance of neutral tones.

Makeup "Smokey Ice" is ready! Now with the help of only look you can chase any man. Such makeup will give the image a little passion and mysteriousness. You can use other colors, depending on the color of the eyes.


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