How to make wedding makeup

How to make wedding makeup

Wedding is an exciting opportunity a little to be the most real princess. After all, so desperately, I want to look truly magically! Wedding makeup is a necessary attribute of a fabulous image. Do you want to independently create the most elegant and romantic make-up in the world? You will need our instruction, a little decorative cosmetics and an inspiration droplet.

Choose wedding makeup

Before rushing to the mirror and train, it is worth dealing with our desires. After all, the wedding makeup is a delicate matter: it must look flawlessly both with the sunlight and twilight. In addition, his plan-maximum is to make a bride face flawless. When choosing Make-APA, not only the appearance of the girl should be taken into account, but also the color of its outfit. For example, a peach dress is harmonized with amber or eye shadows and peach lipsticks, a cold palette with silver overflows is suitable for ametic or pink decoration, and the rose-colored rosy and sand shadow will decorate.

Cooking the face to the celebration

A couple of months before the day x, it is advisable to start prepare, because even the most professional make-up will not save from acne. Change your culinary habits: Let mayonnaise and sharp peppers temporarily prove to be outside your refrigerator. Require regularly about masks (for example, cucumber) or use the creams from the store. Do not forget about drinking mode - the driver will noticeably overtake your skin!

Align the tone of the face

The first step towards impeccable appearance is the basis for makeup. The bride will have fun, worry, but the basis will allow you to be irresistible the whole holiday. We are negotiated and rub. Under the eyes impose a consiler. The faster tonal cream, as the fat means will pay a wonderful face in Del Artte mask. Now brush is applied to the crumpled powder.

Making eye makeup

Eye makeup is the highest pilot. The main rule is a minimum of shine, the soul mirrors in the photographs will turn into glowing laser sights. Prefer the refined classic. Two eyelashes with tweezers, generously squeeze their ink, and after - spread it brush. Then impose a primer. Shadows are better to choose matte, light shades. And expressiveness will give a liner.


Krasim Guba

Soft, chubby, seductive ... Bride's lips require special attention. Slightly adjust the shape of a tonal cream. Take advantage of the pencil in the tone of lipstick (or a little darker) to draw contour: it will not allow lipstick to turn your mouth into a vague spot. The lipstick itself is better to apply flat tassel, ranging from the center of lips. Light, air shades will give your image direct tenderness.

Taba Wedding Makeup

In order for unsuccessful makeup to do not spoil the main day in your life, you should not save on cosmetics: take advantage of professional means, they will definitely fail. It is not desirable to paint too dark shadows: the wedding is not a nightclub. From the overhead eyelashes, it is also worth refusing: if the eyelashes fall into a glass with champagne, there will be a confusion.

We hope our simple advice will help you become the most beautiful and, most importantly, your beloved bride in the world!

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