How to make light makeup

How to make light makeup

The times of the bright causing makeup passed, it is possible to meet him in the afternoon, it is possible that the natural beauty returned to the fashion again. It is always relevant and attracted. The girl with perfect skin, barely touched the cheeks with a blush shining eyes in the framing of thick eyelashes and with a smile on a slightly flashing lips can not pay attention to themselves. You can find out about the basic principles of daily makeup in this article.

The foundation

Clean beautiful skin always emphasizes any makeup, and the slightest disadvantages - on the contrary, can spoil the work of even the most virtuoso makeup artist. To maintain a healthy skin condition, you should always remember your nutrition, water mode, physical activity and proper care (cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition).
If you are the owner of perfect skin and boast an even color of the face, then tonal means and the basis for makeup is not necessary in order not to lose the appearance of the face. If some imperfections (redness or pigment spots) are still present, then it should be used to disguise the proofreader (consilet).
To remove an excess shine, a large brush or powder to put a slim layer with a slight loose powder.


To emphasize the cheekbones, and at the same time add freshness and make a naughty note of the image will help a light blush on the cheeks. For day makeup it is better to choose tender shades with a translucent structure: pink, peach, light bronze.


On the change of "thin, surprised raised browing", as in the Soviet film, natural dense eyebrows came. A neat natural form can be slightly emphasized by special shadows or pencil for eyebrows a little darker of its natural color. If your brows allows you to do without tinnitution, you can only slightly combing a special brush.


In the daily make-up of accents, do not particularly do, but we emphasize natural beauty, so you can safely do only to eyelashes.
If you wish to make a look more expressive, you can use shadows or pencil. For a rolling age, choose calm pastel colors: light pink, beige, light green, light lilac, golden, bronze. It is better to stop your choice on crumbly shadows, because When applied, they have a lighter transparent texture. It should be remembered that there should be no sharp transitions and contrasts, for this you need to make a good shadow, and some makeup artists advise to use your fingers instead of a brush.

To emphasize the eye, along the top contour of the eyelash growth, swipe the line with a pencil for the eyes or dark shadows and troughting well. For this, brown, dark gray, black colors are suitable, with a decisive, they will become less bright. At the end of work on your eyes, apply mascara, it will make the look more open and attractive.


Sensual lips with light brilliance perfectly emphasize your daily meycap. The contour pencil is better not to apply, but limit ourselves to a transparent balsam or glitter of natural shades. You can use lipstick, but the main thing is not to overdo it and choose the lip color or not more than one tone is darker.

As you can see, the process of creating a light day makeup does not take much time, but requires a small snarling. Having learned some non-hard techniques, you can emphasize your natural beauty, so any girl looks charming and can not stay unnoticed.

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