How to make evening makeup

How to make evening makeup

The competent use of cosmetics is an art that requires taste, defined experience and the ability to properly choose the type of makeup in accordance with a specific case. Evening Majk AP, which is applied before leaving the light, has significant differences from everyday. It assumes juicy shades, sharp contrasts, clear lines and accents. Knowing the basic rules, you can easily master the technique of applying such makeup.


In order for the evening makeup to become your decoration, follow the following rules:

  • start with skin cleansing;
  • moisten the skin with low-fat cream, apply the basis for a tonal agent;
  • disguise the proofreading available disadvantages;
  • apply a tone cream;
  • secure the makeup powder, add a blush;
  • make Majk an eye;
  • make eyebrows;
  • stress your lips.

To make the makeup to be successful, well think about what cosmetics and tools you will need. You must submit the end result of your efforts. Experiment stands in advance so that it does not have to redo what so much time and cosmetics were spent on what was spent.

evening make-up

Skin Preparation for Makeup

Clean the skin carefully, washed away all the remnants of the day makeup. Clear using your usual cleaning agent. Then apply moisturizing cream. After the cream has absorbed, use the basis for makeup to align the tone and visually smooth the skin.

evening make-up


Ideally, you can make a sculpturing makeup, that is, with the help of a Bronze and a highlyera, playing light and dark shades, visually adjust the face form. However, the creation of such makeup requires certain skills and practices.
Before applying the main tone on the face, disguise all flaws. Apply a consulter under the eyes, the point corrector use to hide skin imperfections. Carefully make sure that the boundaries of the tone of the tone were carefully rustic. Otherwise, your beautiful makeup will turn into a comic mask.
Do not disregard the neck of the neck and zone. After completing the work with the tone, point the face to secure the result. You can use both crumbly and compact powder. Then apply a blush, trying to further simulate the face form.

evening make-up


Eyebrows Make expressive, apply a special pencil or matte shadow. The eyebrows should be more saturated than usual. After you have seen eyebrows with color, fix the shape of a colorless gel. Apply the brightest shade under the brow itself in order to lift it and emphasize the beautiful bend.

evening make-up

Maid is an eye

The main rule that works when applying any type of makeup: an accent can be done either in front of her eyes or on lips. That is, if you want to make Smokey-Iz, lips cover with neutral shine and vice versa.

When choosing shadows, consider your color. Before applying, use the basis for the shadows, it will prevent their rolling.

Several tricks:

  • If you draw a lines of eyeliner in the upper eyelid after applying shadows, it will be clearer and expressive.
  • Make a look more "open" will help lines drawn by a white pencil on the inside of the upper eyelids.
  • Before applying mascara, use special hinges for writing eyelashes.
  • Special attention is paid to the eyelashes from the outer edge, it is also not forbidden to use false eyelashes.

evening make-up

Seductive lips

Adjust the shape of the lip of the pencil. Apply a resistant lipstick, blot with a napkin and repeat the application - it will allow your lipstick to stay longer.

evening make-up

Your evening makeup is ready, and you can safely start conquering male hearts with your unsurpassed beauty.

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