How to apply makeup

How to apply makeup

Properly chosen and made makeup will adjust the flaws of the face and benefit advantageously. When creating a style is the desired completion of the integrity of the image, and in some situations and the main highlight, an attractive stroke. We will talk about the basic rules of makeup appliances.

First of all, it is necessary to properly choose a color range that harmonizes with your type of face, style of clothing and a reason. For daytime office makeup, choose cosmetics of calm shades - makeup should look as much as possible. For evening meycapa, deep and bright colors are suitable, various experiments in the form of a multi-colored carcass, rhinestones, deep arrows and other things. Cosmetics color palette must be chosen based on the gamma developed by manufacturers for different appearance color. There are 4 of them 4: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Classified on skin shade, hair and eye color.

Before direct application of makeup means, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the face and moisturize with cream. Instead of a moisturizing agent, the explosive can be used. In addition to care, it will also cope with tone alignment and correction of skin deficiencies. It is applied by the "driven" by the movements of the sinking fingers with a thin layer. After applying the explosion, it is worth waiting for 25 minutes to complete drying and the acquisition of the necessary shade, only then begin to further apply makeup.

The tone cream must match the color with a touch of the skin. It is more convenient to apply the tone with a special sponge - then the cream lies with a smooth layer. First, apply tone on the T-zone, then grow in the cheeks. Carefully distribute the tonal cream in the forehead and chin, so as not to be noticeable transitions and the face did not have acquired the type of mask.

For application rumyant need 2 pussy: round and flat. Task rumyantnot stand out « red cheeks», a correct form persons and line cheek. Apply blush necessary with accounting ovala persons on lines, specified on scheme. To emphasize playful namers on cheeks smile and apply blush on elevations. Yet one cunning is an giving freshness face with help moistened v thermal water widespread pussy for rumyant.

Technician application shadows exists many, how and species self shadows. V addiction from landing and others individual features eye, rise and image can make up, for example, v gentle technique « smokey az.» or express clear fat lines « eastern eye». General recommendations on applying makeup eye simple: light shadow apply on all surface upper century. Then draw necessary lines more saturated flowers on yours choice. After application shadows draw line heost eyelashes. Only then problem eyelashesat first one layer, after his drying problem yet once. Make-up artists recommend apply mascara only on eyelashes upper century for fit effect « open eye». There is several heaths makeup eye:

  • emphasized line brows pearl shadow;
  • light on internal corners eye will give bright view;
  • to podder not flowed v flow day, apply dark shadow on lines drinking movements;
  • for fit volume eyelashes apply mascara movements leftright.

  Makeup lip start with drawing contour. Tint pencil should coincide with color lipstick or to be on tone darmer. Pencil slip points on estimated lines conduct contour. For zoom lip line draw slightly above natural contour. Then starting out with mid. upper lips neatly couple points. Rentish little line. Recommend apply lipstick special tassel from mid. to edge. Application first layer lipstick, locked lips napkin and swip down, after apply second layer. Increase volume shine for lip, inflicted above lipstick. Complete makeup application powders on Tzone and cheeks. Present playfulness and festive evening makeup luminous and « bronze» powders.

Do not be afraid to experiment. Indeed, precisely thanks to the unusual combinations of decorative cosmetics, modern techniques and make-up methods were created, which are improved daily and pleasing to the beauty of a large number of fair sex representatives.

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