How to paint eyes with shadows

How to paint eyes with shadows

Using eye shadow makeup can completely change the image of a woman. With their help, you can easily adjust the shape of the eye, visually changing their size, cut and even a shade. There are many different ways of applying shadows - from simple to complex. Consider the main of them.

Preparatory stage

First, we clean the eyelids with any cosmetics approved by ophthalmologists. Next skin moisturize. If possible, we use a special base for makeup, but it can be replaced with any light cream. Then we drink a century and proceed to applying makeup.

Cream 3.

Methods of applying shadows

Depending on what effect, we wish to achieve shadows, there are several techniques of applying:

  • classic;
  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • "Bird";
  • "banana".

How to properly apply day makeup eyes

Classic machinery

This basic technique suits the owners of almost any type of eye and allows you to hide the hanging upper eyelid.

Principle of application:

  • The upper eyelid before the eyebrows are fascinated by the brightest tint.
  • From the middle of the century and to the line of the eyelashes we use more dark shadows.
  • The outer angle of the eye accentuate the church color.
  • All colors neatly grow in to make a smooth transition.


Vertical technique

It is used to adjust the narrow eye. In this case, the shadows are applied vertically.

Principle of application:

  • The inner corner of the eye is labeled with white shadows.
  • Until the middle of the century, we apply a shade of just darker.
  • From the middle to the outer corner, we look at the primary color that will most attract attention.
  • On the outer corner we apply the most dark emphasis.

Horizontal machinery

It is the most difficult performed. Fits women with round eyes, visually pulling them into width. Shadows are applied horizontally, as if strips over each other.

Principle of application:

  • Mobile eyelid along the eyelashes subtly stained with the darkest color on which to fold feathered shade slightly lighter.
  • Crease stained with the most dark shades of the selected palette, and under the brow using the lightest color.

The technique of "Birdie"

It got its name from the fact that the make-up result resembles a check delivered at the outer corner of the eye. Her feature - in a contrasting use of light and dark shades without feather with clear color boundaries. Suitable for close-set eyes.

Principle drawing of shades:

  • We start with the application of the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe internal corner of the lightest shades.
  • Next to the middle saturated eyelid stain more but not dark shade.
  • From the middle to the outer corner of the use shadows even darker.
  • At the end of the darkest color at the outer corner of the draw a clear "tick".

The technique of "Banana"

It makes the most expressive eyes. Depending on the colors you can use it both in the daytime and evening.

Principle of application:

  • Creation of a make-up starting from the center-century prorisovyvaniya light circle.
  • The inner and outer corners of the stain a little darker shadows.
  • Crease and outer corner obscures a dark color and the most intense shade draws rounding, passing through the folds of the outer corner of the upper eyelid to the lower edge.


Applying shadows only at first glance seems to be a complicated process. you will get with each time getting better, and the procedure will start to take 5-10 minutes. The main thing - the right to choose the color scheme to make always looked appropriate.

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