How to paint eyelashes

How to paint eyelashes

Beautiful puppet eyelashes - the dream of every beautiful sex representative has long been. However, not everyone was lucky to become the owners of such beauty from nature. Therefore, women are constantly in finding a way to make your eyelashes long and thick. Fortunately, modern beauties do not need to invent anything - the beauty industry has done everything for them. For our services, overhead eyelashes, eyelash extensions, mass of eyelashes care and, of course, carcasses with the most different effects. It is about the latter and talk, or rather how to paint the eyelashes of ink for maximum effect.

Nuances of selection of carcasses for eyelashes

In the beautiful make-up eye there are two fundamental criteria - a properly selected cosmetic product and proper application of this product. This fully applies to the carcass. Therefore, immediately decide what effect you want to achieve - volume, lengthening, twisting, enhancing growth, strengthening, resistance, etc. The range today is capable of satisfying any of your desire or even a few, since often the mascara contains components and to create volume, And for elongation, and to power the eyelashes. It is worth noting that the waterproof products of this type of cosmetics clearly perform their original function, and hope for additional decorative effects from them is not worth it.

Preparation for the process of applying carcasses on eyelashes

In order for the mascara to lay on the eyelashes smoothly and most effectively, and the resulting result lasted as long as possible, before applying the means you need to prepare work. Carefully wash with the eye of the existing makeup or its remnants - the re-wringing of the eyelashes will only worsen the situation: they will look sticky and inaccurate, and the mask itself will turn quickly. It should also be thicker to wipe the eyelids and cilia with a cotton disk, if before that you applied cream on them. As an additional enshrine "event" you can point a little bit.

The technique of proper drawing on the eyelashes - the first layer

Despite the fact that the procedure for painting the eyelashes of masculine can not be called complicated and attributed to the discharge requiring professional skills, yet there are several techniques of this process. At the same time, most stylists converge on the fact that the first layer of carcasses should be moderate, even thin. Therefore, before writing the eyelashes, taking out a brush from the carcass bottle, carefully remove the excess product about the neck. It is better to start with the lower cilia, easily painting the tip of tassels, holding it vertically. Then you can go to the top, only the brush now needs to be translated into the horizontal plane, and move the movement of smooth, zigzag. Regarding the area and order of applying a carcass - go from the middle of the century to an external corner of the eye, then pay attention to the inner, try to try the roots of the eyelashes, directing the brush to the tips. After extinguish the eyelashes with a brush and let them dry.

The technique of proper application of the carcass on the eyelashes - the second layer

Once again we emphasize that the second layer of carcasses is applied only to the raised painted eyelashes. Here you can no longer save on the number of funds applied to the eyelashes, but still the measure is better not to lose. The movements remain the same as for the first layer - zigzag, in the direction of the roots before the tips. Many makeup artists recommend limited to two layers of carcasses to everyone who prefers the Make-up in the style of "Nude", and also adheres to the canons of day makeup. Lovers of bold "onions" and in the case of creating an evening variant of spectacular makeup, the number of layers can be increased, but, again, observing the measure.

Technique creation of various effects on the eyelashes

To get the maximum effect from the extension or bulk carcass, take the rule to cry the eyelashes and below, and on top. In addition, the extensive action also has a special method of applying a carcass - smoothly pull the brush from the roots of the eyelashes to their tips, slightly raising his head. The owners of the "fox" of almond-shaped eyes can even more enhance their visual attractiveness by applying carcasses at an angle, that is, directing a brush is not vertically up the eyelashes, but a little to the side, to the temples. Those who are very implicitly curved cilia, we recommend that when scraping, cover your eyes a little, and put the masses of the eyelashes with a tassel to the top eyelid.

Do not dwell on black carcass, especially if you have bright leather and blonde hair. Experiment with flowers, but remember that the selected carcass color must be harmonized with shades of shadows, eyeliner and pencil.

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