How to pick eyelashes

How to pick eyelashes

Beautiful and long eyelashes attract the eyes and make eyes expressive. However, not always one length enough to conquer the men's heart. Sometimes all spoils the wrong bending of the eyelashes, or rather its absence. In this article we will tell how to put eyelashes.


The easiest way is to purchase special tweezers. They resemble scissors, but the working part of them is presented not to the blade, but with metal flaps covered with rubber. Between these sash, it is necessary to attach the hairs and compress. The eyelashes will take an arc shape and become twisted. Keep in mind to get an excellent result, keep the hairs between the brackets for 10 seconds, do not pull the hand, otherwise damage the eyelashes.

How to pick eyelashes

It is recommended to produce the curling procedure before staining in the car. So you are reduced to zero the possibility of hairs damage. But if you are going to the party and want everyone to conquer a stunning look, cover the eyelashes and only after that use the tweezers.

Conference tool for curling clean. After each use, wipe the brackets with rubber pads moistened in the makeup to remove makeup. The use of dirty tweezers can lead to the fact that the hairs will break. Try to install brackets as close as possible to the century. In order not to accidentally clamp the skin, slightly push on the handles and check if it did not fall into the bracket of the eyelid.

How to pick eyelashes


If you do not have tweaks, use a teaspoon. Pulse it in warm water and wipe dry. On the eyelashes, apply a little powder and cover their mascara. Attach a spoon to the eyelashes and hold it between a century and thumb. For a few seconds, press on a spoon. Keep track that it does not slip, otherwise you risk snatching Volosins. It should only move a thumb, a spoon should remain fixed.

Curling fingers

Apply mascara on the eyelashes and let it dry. After that, cover your eyes a second time and, without waiting for a carcass drying, lift the tips of the hair, gradually covering the eyes. Make such manipulation several times, and you will achieve the desired result.

How to pick eyelashes

Mascara with an arcuate taste

Now it is the most popular way to twist eyelashes. Purchase a means of a well-known manufacturer. Before buying, carefully consider the tassel. It should be curved and not climbed when it is placed in a tube. Villages can be made of silicone or artificial bristles.


This method will allow you for a few weeks to enjoy curved hairs. The procedure is carried out in the beauty salon. Hair twisted on a special roller, having inamped them with reagent. After some time, the eyelashes are covered with a retainer. The disadvantage of this procedure is that after it it is necessary to restore the structure of the hair. Perhaps your eyelashes will be lighter. It's quite normal. You can paint them, but it is advisable to do only 2 weeks after curling.

How to pick eyelashes

Do not regret money and purchase tweezers, their price is not high. As a result, you can without harm to curl eyelashes every day.

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