Eyelash growth facilities

Eyelash growth facilities

The nature of the eyelashes are designed to protect the eyes from dust. In addition to the protective function, the cilia performs aesthetic - lush and dense will decorate the female face, give mysteriousness to look and attract the attention of men. But not many girls can boast the health and beauty of the cilia. Stresses, unbalanced nutrition, avitaminosis, diseases, smoking and other factors negatively affect the growth of eyelashes.

An affordable way to accelerate eyelashes is oils:

  • Castor. No wonder our grandmothers were lubricated with castor oil eyelashes. The product has nutritional properties. In addition, give a darker shade with hairs. The oil is more convenient to apply a brush from under a carcass or cotton wand. Leave for several hours, then carefully remove your cotton swab.
  • Almond. It feeds and moisturizes, gives elasticity. Does not cause allergies.
  • Repene oil protects eyelashes from fragility, vitaminizes, nourishes and strengthens the hairs. Contains mineral salts, proteins, tannins and a complex of vitamins. You can add vitamins A, E to enhance the effect, protection and strengthening of eyelashes.

Drug shelters are strengthened, feed, moisturizes and vitaminize hairs. Use in the form of decoction compresses from calendula, daisies pharmacy, flowers of cornflower.

Cosmetic Vaseline smoothes and improves the structure of the hairs. Cilia will look longer and curd.

Professional preparations for accelerating eyelash growth. Means act not only in the hairs, but also on the roots of eyelashes. Their composition includes such components: Taurine - amino acid, is a building material for eyelashes; Prostalangdines - active substances, according to the method of action resemble hormones, accelerate growth; Bio-peptides - substances that deeply penetrate the roots and strengthen eyelashes; Glucosamine - Aminosaharid, has a strengthening property. Professional funds are also enriched with vitamins and vegetable components. These include:

  • Preparation Careprost. Contains the active component of bimatoprost, which improves blood circulation in the roots of the eyelashes, thereby speeding up their growth. To obtain a noticeable result you need to use at least a month.
  • The popular agent Almeaxlash has gained the confidence of women around the world. Manufacturers promise lengthening of eyelashes by 40%. The drug passed clinical studies. It is possible to achieve effect when regular use for 3 months.
  • The alerana eyelashes stimulant includes Taurine, Panthenol, Vitamin E. strengthens and moisturizes eyelashes, accelerates blood circulation in the bulbs. The course is 1-3 months. The means protects against external factors. It is also used as a basis for mascara.
  • Latisse serum contains bimatoprost, which improves metabolic processes in the bulb, speeding up the growth process. The disadvantage of the drug is that with irregular use of the eyelashes will have an initial look.

Folk recipes are used to grow eyelashes:

  • Strong welding of green tea moisturizes and strengthen eyelashes.
  • Castor oil, mixed with a few drops of aloe juice, improve the structure, vitamins the hairs.
  • Vegetable oil and parsley juice have moisturizing, nutritional properties.

When applying any means to grow eyelashes, it is necessary to ensure that the drug does not hit the eye - the likelihood of the inflammatory process is great. Folk remedies require long regular applications and have a low-rise effect. Well moisturizes and take care of the hairs. Professional preparations are quite expensive, have a number of contraindications and require professional use. Have a quick and effective, pronounced action. In order for the cilia to always look well-keeled and healthy, you need to find the right daily care products, stick to the diet enriched with vitamins, do not forget to rinse the makeup overnight, and also as you can use waterproof mascaras and hinges for eyelashes.

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