Masks for eyelashes at home

Masks for eyelashes at home

Fluffy, long, thick eyelashes are a dream of any girl. After all, there is nothing more expressive than a fascinating look from the chic eyelashes. Unfortunately, not all nature has awarded perfect eyelashes, and so I want them to look well-keeled and long. Find eyelashes
Your dreams can be at home without resorting to the services of professionals. Recipes of the most popular and efficient eyelashes for eyelashes, as well as recommendations for their use you will find further in this article.

Herbal mask

Beautiful reducing properties showed masks based on grasses. For such a mask you will need to purchase or search the house chamomile, sage, Flowers Vasilka, a series or ordinary black tea. Brew the grass and soak the woven discs. Arrange more comfortably and impose disks on the eyes of twenty minutes, periodically pressed so that the eyelid is always wet. Such masks are perfectly restored by hair lows, increase the growth and density of the eyelashes, and also help in the fight against the syndrome of tired eyes.

Treasure Mask

One of the best and affordable eyelashes care products is a dipstick oil. The masks based on it feeds, strengthen, contribute to the rapid growth of the cilia. The ray oil can be bought in any pharmacy, it is not expensive at all. Prepare cotton wands or discs, you can also use the brush from the old carca, pre-carefully wash it and boil. Gently apply oil on the cilia, trying to avoid mucous membranes, close your eyes and rest in fifteen minutes. Then wipe eyelashes with clean cotton disks. The procedure should be carried out in two or three hours before sleep. The prerequisite for using a rayful mask is a complete removal of oil from the skin of the eyelid after the procedure, otherwise you risk waking up with swollen eyes.

Castor mask

Castor oil is one of the favorites of lovers to take care of their cilia. Lubricate your cilia daily daily, and you will not soon notice what fluffy, thick and beautiful they became. You can add vitamins A and E in liquid form. You can also purchase them in any pharmacy.

Castor oil-harmful

Green mask

A very fast and good result is obtained when careing with cilias using a parsley mask. For her preparation, mix parsley scrolled through the meat grinder and a half teaspoon of aloe juice and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. From oils best use olive or sea buckthorn oil. According to consistency, you should get a thick cashem. Apply a mask on the skin of the eyelid, gently rubbing in the growth line of eyelashes, and relax with your eyes closed twenty minutes. After the last time, the mask must be washed off with warm water.

Cognac Mask

Mix in equal proportions cognac and slightly heated linseed oil. Apply neatly on the growth line of cilia and leave for fifteen minutes. After such a mask, your eyelashes will become dense and will grow much faster.

Aloe Mask

Take the Aloe Sheet, wash and wear it to flesh on a shallow grater. Enter the Cashitz from Aloe on the eyelashes and eyelids for 30 minutes. After the laid time, wash the mask with cool water and apply the cream for the eyelids. Aloe mask is superbly caught not only for cilia, but also helps in the fight against small wrinkles.

Recommendations for using masks

In order to become the owner of long and fluffy eyelashes, it is worth complying with the basic rules of efficient care:

  • Any masks apply only on carefully peeled eyelashes and eyelids.
  • Masks on an oil basis apply strictly on the skin and hairs, avoiding entering the mucous membrane.
  • For a noticeable positive result, you need to make masks every other day and more.
  • The ideal time to care for eyelashes is considered to be evening in two or three hours before sleep.
  • Oil masks must be flushed off.
  • Multiplely enhance the action of the mask can be pre-massage with eyelashes.
  • After applying the mask necessarily applying a caring cream.

As you can see, nothing is impossible, and find beautiful eyelashes in your power. All you need is patience and diligence, discipline and correct attitude. The result of home care is never quick. However, if you teach yourself to care from the eyelashes regularly, the award will be a qualitative improvement in the state of the cilia, which will make you more beautifully and feminine.

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