Castor oil for eyelashes, how to use

Castor oil for eyelashes, how to use

Our eyelashes are often stained with ink, some women are additionally curled them or struggling artificial. After staining, the mascara should be removed using a special. All these actions may adversely affect the status of eyelashes. Lucky those who are dense and long. And the owners of thin and weak have to make additional care measures. Consider how you can make thick and beautiful from the weak eyelashes.

Castor oil - excellent eyelash growth

The cosmetic industry offers a large assortment of caring tools. It may be serum, and oil. The composition of eyelashes growth oils includes the following oils:

  • almond;
  • olive;
  • peach;
  • grape;
  • wheat germ oil.

But the most efficient is castor oil. It can be purchased almost in each pharmacy. It is worthwhile penny, but at the same time is not inferior as expensive means. Castor oil favorably affects the growth of the cilia, makes them thick, lush, prevents falling out. This remedy was known to our great-grandmothers, and it is popular until now.

How to use castor oil

Apply oil should be applied. After one application, it is unlikely that the result will please you. Castor oil bottle grabs for a very long time. There are no special tricks in the oil application:

  1. Before the process of applying, remove the mascara from the eyelashes.
  2. Then with a cotton wand or brush, apply oil with a thin layer on the eyelashes, distribute the oil also at the roots so that it absorbs into the bulbs.
  3. After an hour, wash the oil with ordinary warm water without soap and other means for washing.

Oil must be flush, otherwise the eyelids can swell. It is for this reason that it is best to apply oil 3-4 hours before sleep. Do not apply it too abundantly, the thin layer will be enough. Apply it no more than 1-2 times a week. A month later, your eyelashes will have a completely different look.

Precautionary measures

Castor oil should be used with caution. Allergic reactions occur quite rarely, but still it is better to make sure there is no individual intolerance to the means. To do this, on the skin area, for example, apply an oil droplet and wait a bit. If it does not observe itching or redness, you can apply it to the cilia. Also during direct application, be careful and do not allow the drop in the eye. To do this, press your cotton wand (if you apply a means with its help) about the edge of the bottle. If it happened that the remedy fell into the eyes, rinse them well running water. Above mentioned that it is impossible to sleep with butter on the eyelashes. Do not neglect this rule, many women have pulmonary events. The type of mischief eyes, you probably have to do not like. Storage conditions are always indicated on the label, stick to them.

Even if nature has not rewarded you with gorgeous eyelashes, it's not a reason to leave everything as it is. Without much effort and costs, you can give your eyelashes beauty. Remember, beauty requires not so many victims how much effort, work and work on it.

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