How to quickly grow eyelashes

How to quickly grow eyelashes

The most beautiful girl, what many wanted to become in childhood, Malvina was remembered as a possessor of beautiful, long eyelashes. Unfortunately, not many girls nature gave dense, fluffy eyelashes. But even those who are gifted by such a luxury, concerns the question of how to save them and grow. Bad ecology, incorrect extension, not balanced nutrition - make eyelashes weak and brittle. Consider several ways of harmless, proven tools for eyelash growth at home.

If you prefer not hormonal, often dangerous for health and very expensive means, and recipes based on oils and grain brazers, then do not wait for instant results. But you will be able to treat, strengthen, improve the condition and speed up the growth of eyelashes, nothing at risk and without costs. It is no secret that the top oil is the most beautiful tool for active growth of eyelashes. You can simply apply it on the eyelashes brush from the carcass used. But it is better to prepare such a composition: castor and burdock oil, good brandy, vaseline take in equal parts and mix thoroughly. Apply on the eyelashes with a brush, like a mask, and leave for 2 hours, then blocked the napkin. Store the composition in a closed container, in a cool place. Use for a month every day, then take a break. The result is already in a week.

Prepare another recipe based on natural oils: almond, castor, from wheat sprouts take in equal parts, add to several drops of vitamins A and E. You can buy them in a pharmacy. Apply the same as described above. It is better to make a mask in the evening, not leaving for the night, as they can redden an eye on the morning or edema will appear. Oils can be replaced by their wishes, alternating them, the main thing is that they are fresh and high quality. Suitable for rapid growth. The following vegetable oils are suitable: almond, peach, castor, sea buckthorn, burdock, olive, jojoba, wheat germ. Good additives: cognac, rum, aloe juice (carefully, in minimum quantities), vitamins A and E.

To improve the effect of oil action, prepare a decoction for compresses, use them twice a week. Take medicinal herbs: calendula, daisy, cornflower, coltsfoot, black tea, freshly green. Prepare from them a strong decoction in the usual way, insisting half an hour. Soak cotton wheels with a warm decoction, impose on the eyelids for 20 minutes. The compresses not only contribute to the strengthening and growth of eyelashes, but also useful for the eyes - remove swelling, dark circles, relieve fatigue.

To strengthen and improve eyelashes, make the eyelid massage on the growth line of eyelashes. Type a few drops of one of the items recommended in the second paragraph of vegetable oils recommended in the second paragraph. It is not bad to prepare a special mixture for massage: a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a floor of a teaspoon of parsley and aloe juice. Very neatly, gentle touchs, obscure eyelids and cilia. This is useful for activating the growth of eyelashes and for the eyes - will help increase the increasingness of vision, improve blood circulation, will launch the functions laid by nature. Time will take a little, about five minutes.

Applying plant tools - type patience, be careful, creating masks, if there is irritation, then do not add anything except vitamins into oil. Try not to dial a lot of oil on the brush, avoid getting on your eyes. Put the goal - to know the tools for the growth of eyelashes is not enough, still need motivation, and you will get the desired - gorgeous eyelashes.

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