How to grow black

How to grow black

If you are tired of wearing bangs and you decided to repel it - be patient, this process may seem endless to you. But there is a big plus - you have a reason for experiments with your way. Check out our article and take a note of some ways to bring a rustling bang in order.

Wear bangs side. It is always fashionable and relevant, and there is such a hairstyle to almost everyone. True, when the bang reaches a certain length - it will still have to do something. And here your right - or constantly cut the hair and continue to wear oblique bangs, or put it in hairstyles and grow.

If you just started to grow bangs and it already bothers you - hide it with the help of invisible and hairpins. You can challenge it with forehead or next to the ear, depending on the form of your face.

Your faithful assistants in the struggle for a long bangs will be hoops and dressings. The undoubted "queen of rods" can rightly be considered Miss Blair Waldorf from the television series "Gossip". It is hairstyles perfectly demonstrate how the hoop or tape can simultaneously hide bangs, and decorate the image as a whole.

If the bang has already accessed at least to the nose - remove it upstairs. Hairstyles with a combed back and fixed bulk bangs look very effectively and at celebrations, and in everyday life.

If you like the retro style, we carry the hairstyle in the spirit of the 40s. Bang is divided into two halves and twisted into loose harnesses, the ends of which are fixed behind the ears.


From bangs you can braid a very spectacular pigtail along hair growth line. So that short hairs are not knocked out from the braid - apply for bangs a pre-drop of a hair gel.

Reloing bangs, think not only about beautiful hairstyles, but also about the condition of the hair. Do not forget to regularly entangle your hair for a couple of millimeters and moisturize them with masks and air conditioning, because the hair grow well when there are enough moisture.

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