How to weave afrokosichki

How to weave afrokosichki

Afrokosichki or Brady - one of the most popular hairstyles, whose popularity only grows with each passing year. This is not surprising, since it is convenient, especially in the hot summer, has many variations, it is easily created at home and always attracts the eyes of others. If you decide to experiment, check out how to weave afrokosichki own.

To create the hairstyles you will need:

  • comb with a few teeth;
  • thread for weaving;
  • gum;
  • glue.

Choose synthetic thread - kanekalon. He is as close in structure to the natural hair.

Do not wash your head for a few days before braiding. To begin, carefully comb the hair, divide them into parting.

Take a strand of desired thickness in the nape area, so that it represented a rhombus shape at the roots. Carefully comb it. Beat in the plica kanekalonovuyu thread and fasten as close to the base of the strand can be.

Divide the selected strand into three equal parts and braid tight braid. To hairstyle was the same size along the entire length when zapletete pigtail to the level of their hair, weaving a little kanekalona.

The tip of the braids need glue or silicone rubber tie. Better to stick together, as the gum often tend to burst. Braids trailing in the direction of the neck to the temples.


Afrokosichki good because they give scope for imagination. You can braid them into one or several thick braid, do a high ponytail, twist in the shell, to combine them with bangs, etc. Create whatever your imagination dictates.

This hairstyle is not advised to wear more than three months. Weave afrokosichki better with the help of friends or professionals. After raspletete your hair, wash your hair and apply regenerating mask.

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