How to make dreadlocks

How to make dreadlocks

In winter and autumn outside the window, gray joyless weekdays. So I want to paint and add some fun in them. Perhaps it's time to change dramatically and rub the dreadlocks? This exotic hairstyle is increasingly found on the streets. In order to build it on your head, you can trust a professional master, and you can try to do everything with your own hands.

Dreadlocks are artificially matted strands, which externally should be as close as possible to natural careless mind. Most often, such a hairstyle is associated with the immigrants from Jamaica confessing rastafarine. Many consider dreadlocks in peculiar antennas for screaming space energy.

If you decide to make dreadlocks, think very well. First, it is a long enough process that does not take one day. Secondly, it is an injuring process for hair, and in order to return to you the original hairstyle, you may have to lose gorgeous curls and try very short.

There are many ways to make dreadlocks. Before you begin using one of them, learn the reviews, advantages and disadvantages of each. One of the decisive factors when choosing a bracket method - hair length. Also an important element is the presence or absence of money, as some methods require professional work with special materials.

Weave with hook or string. This is a fairly fast way, which allows you to maintain most of the hair length. The biggest minus is a very tight tension of Dread for the first few days after turning, so this method is not suitable for weakened hair. So, you will need a string or hook and comb. You can use a conventional knitting hook, but some masters prefer to enjoy the hook to raise loops or manually made by double hook. You need to take two hooks with a size of about 1 mm and the rod from the ballpoint handle. Connect the hooks with a scotch or threads "face" to each other, placing the rod between them.

Divide your hair on strands, secure and start working with each separately. Take a strand, divide it in half, twist and again divide in half, twist and divide again. Act so before the appearance of Koltun. Check that it is tight enough. If the koltun appeared - you do everything right, continue throughout the length of the hair. Once you have processed the whole strand, take the hook. Carefully thread it through Dred, wrap it with a sticking strand and pull the hook. So you will "die" dread with sticking hairs.

Another way to make dreadlocks is Nachi. It can be used on her hair longer than 8 cm. The process itself is quite laborious and long, it can take about 10 or more hours, so it is better to make it four or even six hands. This type of weaving allows you to get dreadlocks of almost any thickness. You will need: comb, wax for dreadlocks and gum. Divide your hair and secure the strands of rubber bands. Purchase strands, moving the comb from top to bottom. Start forming Dread at a distance of about 2-3 cm from the roots, gradually moving farther from the head. Try to form the most dense "sausage" from the hair. The tip can be fixed with a rubber band with a special wax or hook, as well as in the previous method.

If you fear to spoil your hair or want to try an unusual hairstyle just for a short time - pay attention to the so-called di-dreadlocks or Nepalese dreadlocks. Di-dreads are synthetic ready-made braids that are attached directly to the hair. Nepalese dreadlocks are made of felt. The principle of fastening is similar to the previous way. Both those and other materials are manufactured in a large color assortment, you can choose even glowing in ultraviolet. These dreadlocks are easy to remove, as soon as the hairstyle is getting tired, and almost without damage for your own hair. Felt dreadlocks are more softer and naturally to the touch than Di-Dreda. And those and other braids are better to do in the cabin at the proven master.

There are several more ways to weaving Dread, everyone has its drawbacks and a number of advantages. If you decide on such an extravagant hairstyle, be sure to consult a professional!

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