How to make hair styling

How to make hair styling

For beautiful styling, it is not necessary to visit the beauty salons every time. A little practice - and you will learn to give your hair a gorgeous form. We offer you some simple variants of hair styling.

To create a natural hairstyle in the home arsenal must be attended: Hair Dryer, Crying, Round Comb - Brashing, Biguchi, Hair Nail Polish, Hair Foam.

Classic laying. Well wash your hair to the squeak. On wet strands, apply foam and gently distribute it along the entire length. Draw your hair with a long teeth. Turn on the hair dryer to hot effect mode and starting from below, gradually send air to the roots. Hands all the time add the desired shape hair. When they are almost dry, you can move to the styling process. Lift your hair to the top and secure them with a hairpin. Hairdryer Switch to warm effect mode. Gradually, separate the strands, smooth them with a brush and screw to Brasing to the desired side. Direct the flow of the hair dryer to Brasing with a wound strand. Roots hair fix with varnish.

Laying with twist. Apply foam on wet hair, spread them and grab the hairpin from above. Separate small strands for curling. Before twisting the hair on the curl, spread them and sprinkle with varnish. Keep strands on the curl no more than twenty seconds. Try not to touch the curl already made. If you do not want to spoil your hair by the catch, just wet them, wrap the curly curlers and leave for the night. To create large waves, apply foam on your hair and turn them on big curlers from plastics, then dry and dissolve them. Wash hair in such a way that with each circle the strand lay on half the previous one. At the end, treat the hair with varnish.

Hair alignment. For this type of laying, it is desirable to use a special mousse that protects the hair from the high purity temperature. Sour hair well, apply mousse on them and proceed to align. Try not to warm up the catch to the highest temperature and not stop it in one place for more than five seconds. If your strands goes from nature, prior to stacking them with a brush, and then use the rectifier. If you have thin hair, wrap in the tips a special cream for weighing strands. Try to use the Ceramic Plates Cloak - this option is the most harmless.

Beautifully laid hair always cause sympathy and admiration. If you are regularly practiced, you can very quickly become a real master to create a gorgeous laying of any kind. But do not forget to care for your hair, so that the hair always look shiny and healthy.

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