How to wind hair without fluffing and hair curlers

How to wind hair without fluffing and hair curlers

A woman is a fantasy and a unique inventor of new images for himself and their loved ones.
And the hair for the beautiful half of humanity is the sacred gift, the beauty attribute, the magnet for the views of others. Let's talk about ways to give them beautiful curls in safe ways at home.

Screw the hair with a round brush-brush and hairdryer

  • One of the fastest methods of imparting light waves on short and middle-length hair.
  • Place a slightly wet hair after washing or moisturizing them from the pulverizer.
  • For a more resistant effect, use Mousse for volume or gel styling to highlight the hotel strands.

Screw light waves with hands

  • Suitable in the case of a limited amount of time before meeting, output from home or event.
  • In the process of drying hair, the hair dryer is easy to walk the fingers of the free hand at the roots and for each strand for the entire length of the hair.
  • The result can be fixed with a varnish of medium or strong fixation.
  • If you have hair prone to curling and retention without special funds, leave them free from special means for laying.

Having hair with papillars

  • This soft bigual type is easy to buy in any store in the department "Hair, hairpins and gum".
  • They are effective for creating beautiful Kudrey after 10-12 hours.
  • Hound on their hair simply - from the tips up, to the roots.
  • The ends of the hair are fixed due to a special bristle surface in the middle of the papillars.
  • As these curlers are soft, twist boldly hair overnight.
  • And in the morning, spread them with light movements and put into the hairstyle.

Get off your hair with all sorts of submitted "helpers"

You can make the hair with hair when the kitchen paper or plated towels, chopped into narrow strips.

  • Sleeping with them less convenient, but they give a good result after 4-6 hours of wearing.
  • Note that the larger diameter of the curl or wave is obtained by winding a strip of greater width, for example, 4-5 cm.
  • Avoid using cloth "helpers" of synthetics - they are scattered on the strings, slide, spending your nerves and patience in vain.

Wind the hair with a sock

  • Cut the sock in the nose, get a tube sock.
  • Gather hair at the crown into a ponytail, insert it in a sock. Twist hair up around him.
  • Secure the hair with a sock at the crown invisible.
  • A great option everyday strict hairstyle before unwinding.
  • The desired effect is reached within 8-10 hours.

Bun at the nape or crown

  • Simple and fast method of scrolling the long and medium length hair.
  • Collect them in a bun at the desired height and tighten in any direction in a spiral.
  • Spiral wrap around them in a circle. Secure the bun pins.
  • As with the previous version - excellent for a rigorous way of day.
  • And the evening and coiffed hair will delight you with beautiful light wave.

Winding the hair on his finger

  • Twist the hair from the root of the helix on the finger. Carefully remove and fix them invisible, small hairpin or crabs.
  • 5-7 hours standby and playful curls cascading scattered around your face.

Screw hair flagella-snails

  • Separately, each strand of hair spirals, gather at the root and attach invisible.
  • Repeat the movement on the whole head. It is convenient to start scrolling from the top and back of the head.
  • The more time you have for this method of curling, the clearer will be the "fuzziness" in the hair.

Spiral of hair

  • Divide by parting the hair, tighten them not tight spiral.
  • Tie each at the tip rezinochkoy and combine them together on the chest or on the back.
  • Feel free to sleep or do household chores.
  • After unwinding we recommend sprinkle result varnish.

Wrap hair pin

  • If you're a fan of small African waves, then this method is for you.
  • The hair is screwed onto the pin around her legs in the form of eight.
  • Be patient and the time for curling.
  • Untwist careful not to get hurt, and do not injure the hair.

Formation of rings on their whole head

  • Small section of hair shape in the form of rings and fasten at the roots of invisibility.
  • If you are thin and unruly hair, then sprinkle them with varnish when they curled all.

Wind the hair with an elastic band for the Greek hairstyles

  • A handsome way of cheating when and with a rubber band, hairstyle looks pretty, and without it. And the owner of a different hair length boldly use it as one of the variants of the image.
  • It is best to curl wet hair around elastic bands.
  • You can refuel the entire length under it, and then paint. It is possible to harden the tips in invisible.
  • In any case, in 5-7 hours you will be surprised by the surrounding with large soft waves.

Spirals around a scarf head

  • Cute method in terms of convenience and external appeal.
  • Hair split over the test, collect in high tails.
  • Around them, tie the handkerchief in the middle.
  • Each tail is disassembled into two spirals on the spiral spirals around each tilt handker.
  • Secure the tips with silicone rubber band.
  • You can go to bed if your hair is curling overnight, or collect all the tails together and grind to grind or invisible.
  • A decent daily version of the home image is provided to you.

Screw hair with pigtails and / or hairstyles "spikes"

  • One of the most famous and well-applied hair curling methods.
  • Kosos are universal at any time of the day, and after muttoning, they give a soft waviness to the hair of the hostess.

Experiment and delight yourself with new ways with wavy hair.
And soon you are easily an additional list of examples from your experience.

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