How to straighten your hair without ice

How to straighten your hair without ice

people gifted nature curly locks, often want to fix it, it would seem, a misunderstanding on stylish hairstyle of straight hair. Do not rush and take drastic measures, remember that a soft elastic curls too, someone dreams. If different methods are temporary and quick straightening hair at home. The material is also designed for girls, often to style your hair with the help of ironing.

Hair dryer and round comb

This is perhaps the most popular method of hair straightening after ironing. Hair straighteners:

  1. Wash your head.
  2. Dry hair with a towel. For maximum moisture put a towel on his head, wrapped her hair in a turban 15 20 minutes.
  3. Comb your locks along the entire length.
  4. Separate the lower part of the hair from the other temples in the area. Fix the "non-working hair" hairpin.
  5. Take a round comb and set at the roots of the lower strand.
  6. Pry underarm hair comb, Turn the dryer on maximum mode.
  7. Squeeze nozzle dryer to comb and the gradual withdrawal of the hand, pulling her hair.
  8. Repeat manipulation 5 10 times on each strand.
  9. Gradually separate the strands of the new comb and pull a hair the same way.

cosmetic funds of care for hair

Purchase at the salon or store shampoo and conditioner for hair straightening. Before buying studied the composition: alcohol ratio should not be overwhelming, otherwise the hair become dry and brittle, and the installation will succumb with difficulties. If the financial situation allows, buy a dedicated serum after washing your hair, which is not necessary to wash off. this produ rt chosobstvuet straightening the hair follicles. Starting the process:

  1. Wash your hair with a special shampoo, then apply a conditioner on 10 30 minutes, depending on the condition of the hair.
  2. Rinse with balm and dry hair with a towel.
  3. Use protective serum: Apply evenly through the length of the hair and dispense your thick scallop. She is executed t T.the milestone function: contributes to hair straightening, enrich them with glitter and protects from the harmful effects of hot air during the drying process.
  4. Use hair dryer with ionization function.
  5. Distribute your hair into separate zones and strands. Gradually dry each of them starting from nape. Go to the next strand and zone only after completely dry the previous one.
  6. Straighten hair using bristly brush Or crest with massive plastic teeth.
  7. Optionally, secure the laying of cosmetic products for styling.

Fan laying

You probably thought that a hair dryer and fan observes some similarity. Main differences: The presence of a heater and nozzle for the pressure of the initial air flow. Let's see how you can align the hair with a fan:

  1. Wash your head shampoo, then air conditioning.
  2. Slightly dry your hair with a towel.
  3. You can apply serum if you have it. Draw your hair.
  4. Separate on the back of the horizontal strand of the hair, and someone collect in the bundle and secure on the top of the top.
  5. Sit back to the fan so that the air flow wave a strand of hair.
  6. Take flat comb-brush And slowly disperse the hair, slightly delayed at the tips.
  7. Separate the next strand and repeat the process.
  8. Dry hair in this way, while all strands are not "processed." You will need about 20 minutes.
  9. In the final stage, apply a little mousse on the hair with your fingers for fixing the laying.


This is not the easiest and most actual way to straighten the hair, however, effective when there are no other options. So, repeat the first three points of the previous section, then:

  1. Extract the top side of the hair strand.
  2. Position the hair curlers under the tips of the hair and screw the strand to the roots.
  3. Having reached to the end, secure the clip curlers.
  4. Similarly, screw all the strands, so that after drying, the hair was the same.
  5. Dry hair naturally or use the hairdryer, turning on a weak mode.
  6. Open the clip and remove the hair curlers - the hair will be smooth and shiny.

People's Method

Prepare a natural composition that extract From the hair of proteins and for a long time will provide smoothness:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. Milk and 1 egg, connect in a blender until uniformity.
  2. Put in convenient capacity And lower the hair there for 10 minutes.
  3. Remember: the head is not necessary, only hair in length.
  4. After the time expires, milk with eggs, and put on your head a protective hat or plastic bag and stand yet 30 minutes.
  5. Then wash your head in the usual way and spread out.
  6. Dry strands with a powerful air stream using a circular rask.

Straightening your hair, do not forget to pull them out - this is important. The use of specialized care products will provide a long result. Try not to overwhelm hair with a hairdryer, but still hot air lines strands better than cold.

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