Divine curls can be created even a iron that is designed to straighten the hair. There are mass options for creating spectacular curls for different hair lengths. Consider the main ways to create curls by the usual iron.
How to make a iron curl - preliminary hair preparation
Before you begin creating curls, it is necessary to prepare the hair correctly. For this you need:
- rinse thoroughly with shampoo;
- take advantage of a balsam or hair mask;
- dry
- apply a means to protect against high temperatures;
- apply a means for fixing (foam or mousse for hair);
- wait until the applied tool dry;
- comb;
- heat iron.
How to make classic clocks ironing
First you need to decide on the size of the desired curls. Work is starting from the separation of the hair to the top layer and the bottom layer. First of all, we take over the bottom layer. We share it on strands, start making curls using the ironing. The smoke size directly depends on what strand you will take. The more straight, the greens are greater. We choose a strand and fix the iron. Next, scroll through the strand around the preheated ironing. Do not hurry, scroll slowly so that the strand is uniformly warmed up. At the end of the work, the result is torn by varnish for hair fixation. The process is quite painting, but the result is worth it. It turns out tender, romantic curls. So that the hairstyle was more voluminous, it is necessary to use the mousse
How to make links zigzags iron
Locks in the form of zigzags look especially. This type of curls will suit female representatives who have medium and long hair. It is necessary to pre-prepare hair to this procedure. To create zigzags, we will need foil. It must be cut into small pieces. The width of the carved foil should be 2 cm wider than the strand itself. The length of the foil depends on the length of your hair, it should cover the entire strand.
To make curls iron, you need:
- incover strand foil;
- give a zigzag form;
- push the hot iron wrapped in foil strand;
- hold strand 5 seconds;
- pull over the edge of the foil to form the harmonica;
- wait when the hair will cool;
- remove foil;
- secure curls with varnish for hair fixation.
This hairstyle is obtained by playful and mysterious.
Small curls of curly iron
To create charming small curls, a foil will be required. Cut the foil into small squares. To create small curls, we divide the hair into separate strands. Make them small. The chosen strand to wind on the finger, carefully remove and secure in foil. Next clamp a hot iron for 20 seconds. Thus, it is necessary to treat all hair. Foil should be removed only after completely cooling hair in foil. Secure the curls with a lacquer for hair.
Locks on short hair iron
Do not despair if you have short hair. Create iron graceing curls will not be difficult. To do this, you need a selected strand from the root to fix the iron and slowly scrolling to the tips. The size of the curls choose yourself. This hairstyle looks elegant.
In order for your hairstyle to come out flawless, you need to practice. Make magnificent curls can be even an iron straightening. Take care of your hair, use the high temperature protection agent.