How to make afro curl

How to make afro curl

Luxury Afro curls make any attractive girl. Magnificent hairstyle does not lose its popularity and adds hair volume. Do not rush to go to the hairdresser to create this hairstyle. Try to make Afro curls yourself.

Making Afro Kudri with braids

This is the easiest way to create hairstyles. Ask to braid a large number of minor braids girlfriend or relative or do it yourself. Leave pigtails for the night or 5-6 hours. Then neatly brush the braids and secure the hairstyle with her hair varnish.

There is a simpler option:

  • collect your hair on the top of a tight tail;
  • divide the tail into several strands. Than they will be more, the sooner the curls are obtained;
  • tighten strands in pigtails;
  • after 3 hours we grind, and secure the result of varnish.

Making afro curls using a ironing or flock

Take advantage of a thin curl, curls will come smaller. The process of creating hairstyles:

  • water the hair with warm water and take their hands. If the head is dirty - wash and dry a little dry hairdryer;
  • treat the curls in spray for thermal protection, because the hair will be exposed to high temperatures. If there is no such means - take gel, hair cream or varnish;
  • separate the strands of the hair and wrap it around the finger;
  • carefully remove the ring from the hair from the finger and carefully pushing it with an iron figure for 5-10 seconds;
  • unlock ready-made curl and let it cool.

Square varnish curls and thus treat all your hair. If we comb into a massage brush thin curls - they will become more lush.

Making afro curls using studs

Buy ordinary hairpins for hairstyles. Next, your actions are as follows:

  • water hair and divide into thin strands;
  • spread the ends of the hairpin in different directions and attach to the roots of the selected strand;
  • cheat strand on the Eight Stud. Take the curl in the hairpin and start winding up each tip in turns of the type "eight";
  • fix the tip of the invisible or rubber band.

Repeat the above actions with all curls. Note that the hair during winding must be wet. If dried up - sprinkle with water. Leave the hairstyle for 2-3 hours and then remove the gum with the hairpins. Fuck curls, and a flirty lush cloud will be on your head. If you do not want lush curves - do not happily, just straighten the curls with your fingers.

Making Afro Kudri - Other Interesting Methods

There are other interesting ways to create Afro Kudrey:

  • use thread. Prepare a thick thread for sewing and pardon. Take a small part of the hair and start to twist it with your fingers until it becomes curly. Enroll the curly at the base of thread. Check strands in a checker order so that the curls come out in bulk. Perform such actions with the rest of the curls and leave the hairstyle for the night. In the morning, remove the threads, straighten the curls with your fingers and spread out a slightly;
  • using sticks for sushi, cocktail or pencil tubes. You will wipe your hair on any of these items. Lightly wet curls. Divide your hair on strands and wind each of them on a pencil. Then walk on them with a hot catch or joy. For greater effects before creating Afro Kudrey, apply foam on my hair. Finished curls put in order and rejoice in a beautiful hairstyle.

Choose any way to create Afro Kudrey and create a lush hairstyle. The most important thing is your desire and time. And the result will not disappoint you, you will look like the charming and attractive.

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