How to make hair wavy

How to make hair wavy

It is difficult to please the weak floor: the owner of Kuchetchi sacrifice an excess hour of sleep for the sake of hair straightening, the hostess of the smooth chapels dream of seductive curls or bizarre curls. How to make hair wavy? Consider several available ways.

Curling. Performed with a hairdresser in the cabin. Hairstyle will last 10 days to 6 months - depends on the type of curling. Create curls can be created any volume vertically, in the form of a spiral, zigzag, roots or selectively. Locks can be placed regularly, painted and dry the hairdryer. It happens:

  • curling with chemical acids;
  • biological curling, apply more gentle drugs;
  • carving - resistant locked locked with special means will last up to 10 days.

It is possible to give waviness with hair using hair weoning using corrugated nozzles. Create a small strand of hair from the roots between the clamps, a few seconds to press, capture some of the hair below and also shook. Vertical or zigzag waves are obtained. You can make a curl and without applying nozzles: clamping strands from the roots, put the rest of the strands to the device and slowly lower the iron to the tips of the hair. It is recommended before laying to apply a uniform layer over the entire length of the hair tools for styling: foam, gel or serum. Customize the ace can be lacquered for hair. Locks will hold no more than a day.

Biguchi. To date, manufacturers make birthday curves of the most diverse form, with the help of which hairstyles can be implemented for every taste. By the method of action distinguish the curle and hot curle curlers:

  • Thermobiygudi needs to be lowered into boiling water for several minutes and shook hot on the hair. After 20 minutes, the curls are ready.
  • Electrical curiors are analogue thermo, but heat from the network.
  • Curls from the foam rubber are not too well held by the form, the curls are turned out untidy, but it is convenient to apply them at night - do not bring discomfort during sleep. More convenient forms of foamwound curves-boomerangs.
  • Plastic curlers are the most common in the post-Soviet space. Fastened by clamp, rubber band or velcro.
  • Metal curlers create beautiful curls, but they can only be used in the afternoon, and the hair is impossible to dry the hair.
  • Spiral wooden or plastic curlers are used to create thin playful curls.

The catch can be achieved gentle feminine curls. Ship the strand of hair with forceps and screw the root. Warming the hair, you can deprix straight vertical movement from top to bottom. Some models are equipped with a special spiral nozzle - strand of hair need to turn it on it, also heat and unwind the hair.

The most affordable, simple and convenient way to make hair wavy are conventional pigtails. Wet hair to braid into the braids. The smaller the waves are needed, the more thin braids. In the morning, dismissing the hair, it turns out a bulk original hairstyle.

In order to choose the method of creating wavy hair, you need to decide on the desired result, relate the hairstyle to the type of face, image and style. Then the hairstyle will emphasize the individuality and will make a highlight to everyday life.

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