Owner short and smooth hair dream turn their v kudri.. If hair long, then do this is will enough hard, a sO middle lena situation top other. If w. you short a haircut, then this is not means, what you not you can create diverse hairstyles. Do fancy locks can at aid poycle, fena, rectifier and ordinary primary elements!
1) How to make curls on short hair - and use poycle
- Front formation hairstyles necessary nan on hair foam or mousse, protecting from high temperature. Enjoy varnish not recommended, because how this is maybe bring harm hair structure or fog hair.
- For start necessary divide hair at aid big on thin straight. Bout to crawling necessary with itself niza. Thanks to multi-layered twist anyone hairstyle receive volume and pomp. To receive small kudryashki suitable poyca with small diameter.
- Large kudri. can create crying with big diameter. For short hair such diameter not suitable, because how kudri. will be weak. For conservation length it is forbidden twist ends, they must stay straight. Time impact poycle make up 5 – 10 seconds, looking which the effect you want to receive. So, if keep poycu 5 seconds, then hair get careless wave, a if 10, then kudryashkiwill be elastic and brightpronounced.
- After togo how all locks cheed, necessary hands lay down hairstyle and consolidate varnish.
2) How to make curls on short hair - s avivissy ironing
Paradoxical, but rectifier for hair can create wonderful locks. Thin iron ideally fits for hair middle length. Rectifier v comparison with crying gives more soft result. Start off frizz necessary from itself root. For of this necessary clamp straight v device and not hurry scroll her to conchits. If w. you nothing not happened with first times, then necessary straightaway same repeat action, to hair not cooled.
3) How to make curls on short hair - b igud.
For receipt curls can take advantage termobygudia, bigudia–lipochki. Faster total receive kudri. can at aid termobygudia. For of this necessary twist dry hair starting out with ends. This way maybe nan harm volos, therefore get involved them not costs. Do large curl and give volume hairstyle can at aid biguja–lipuchek. For of this necessary slightly wet hair, a after dish fenom. Achieve best effect can at aid special tools.
Hoisting hair on biguchi.–boomerangi, can do various kudryashki, which will be for a long time hold on. Better spin on wet hair, because how strongly wet hair not have time dry, therefore hairstyle do not whenever. Soft biguchi. – this is most safe way for create kudrey, at it is their price far smaller, how iron or poyca.
4) How to make curls on short hair - w pilots, rubber bands
Receive the effect chemical curling, which the so moden. v it is season, can receive, using studes and rubber bands. For start necessary hair on straight. EVERY straight hur over on stud. v form sign infinity, a for consolidation use gum. After of this necessary sprinkle varnish and leave on several hours. Then spin eVERY straight and give form hairstyle.
5) How to make curls on short hair - e fFEKT. wet hair hands
Receive desired kudri. can n. hands with usage tools styling. For of this necessary hur over straight on finger, after fix her at aid varnish. Also can do simple and spectacular wet kudri.. For of this necessary slightly wet hair, nan many penki. and create hands hairstyle, after to dry neatly fenom with diffuser. If you owner viebya hair, then feng maybe not would need, because how hair ourselves lie. V aspect yours hairstyle will loomed on wet chemistry and have stylish view.
From selected method curling directly depends your finite image. Hairstyle will help any girl to look like diverse. If you created large kudri., then image will solemn, if lungs and mile waves, then romantic, a small envodushki will give zadornost and playfulness. Now you moved, what short hair – not interference for create fancy curls.