How to make Babettu

How to make Babettu

Babette appeared in the 60s. At that time, women were forced to be recorded to the hairdresser so that he could make a lush roller or a circle out of her hair. Now Babett can be done independently, spending only 15-20 minutes of his time.

There are several ways to make this beautiful hairstyle:

  • with the help of combat;
  • using a roller;
  • with the help of the sock.

How to make Babettu

The first option is the most painstaking and requires the most time. To do this, you need to collect your hair in the tail. The resulting shop of the hair is divided into two parts. The top will fasten the claritions to do not interfere. The lower strands are drawn by scallping with frequent teeth. Spray with varnish on the nobody. Gently lay out on top of the oral part of the hair. Fasten with studs, and tips fuel under the roller from the curls. You can tape babett tape or decorate with rhinestones with rhinestones.

You can purchase a hairdresser or a special roller in the store. It is a segment from the foam rubber, inside which the rigid wire is sewn. Hair just turn around the roller. After that, the segments are connected to the ring. Rides are distributed throughout the perimeter of the ring and fixed with studs.

How to make Babettu

If you do not have a roller, you can make a simple device yourself from the sock. To do this, cut off the thoughts, and the resulting rectangle roll on the bagel, turning inside out the sock. The thicker and longer sock, the stringener will be hairstyle. This device is suitable for girls with long and rigid hair. Thus, you can add a hairstyle volume.

In order to make a Babett from the sock, collect a challenge in a horse tail. Spray on the strands of the varnish so that the hair does not disintegrate. Take a "bagel" from the sock and wrap the tip of the tail on it. Gradually turn the ring, winding hair on it. When the ring becomes contact with your head, straighten your hair evenly along its perimeter. Secure the resulting Babett with studs.

You can combine uncomplicated hairstyles and Babett. It looks very beautifully a French braid on the back of the head and his own curl himself, as it is also called this unaccompaning combination of hair and roller. You can weave the spikelets and assemble the balance of hair in the tail, from which Babette is made. Such a hairstyle is suitable for any retro style outfits.

How to make Babettu

Depending on the face form, it is necessary to adjust the hairstyle. Girls with a round face need to leave strands that will hide the cheekbones and cheeks that can be turned. If you have an elongated and thin face, then leave strand at the temple and put it in the form of oblique bangs. Babette is a universal hairstyle that suits almost everyone.


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