How to tie a bow on hair

How to tie a bow on hair

Bow - universal and favorite decoration of girls of all ages. Young fashionable with white bows will look bright and festive, and the elegant bow on the back of the head will give the business image of a young woman with a special fler. Tired of standard hairstyles? Then the time is armed with ribbons, our instructions and inspiration.

Normal bow

This is the easiest way, but even it will help create a stylish image:

  • Take the ribbon of any color and texture - satin, kapron or corrugated, length does not matter.
  • Combing curls and tighten their tight rubber band so that it turned out a beautiful tail. This is the basis for our hairstyles.
  • We take your favorite ribbon, turn it around several times around the base hairstyle.
  • Firmly fix the tape with a single node. We take the tips, fold them in half, and then - bandaged with each other. Free ends slightly pull down. We rase - and elegant, though simple, the bow is ready.

Double nodes

For this method, it is better not to take satin ribbons: smooth and slippery, they are very bad to hold double knots. Preference to the Kapron Accessory. By the way, we need a long ribbon. Start:

  • We make the foundation in the same way as in the previous version - tie a horse tail. If you wish, you can collect not all hair, but only the upper part, as for the hairstyle "Malwinka".
  • Tie a ribbon with a simple single node, and then tie the usual bow. Attention: somewhere half the length of the tape should hang freely
  • We take the ends of the ribbon and again bandage them with each other. So, we had two bans, one on the other.

Triple Length

Such a bow is also very simple in performance, but it looks more lush and elegant:

  • We take a beautiful and necessarily long ribbon.
  • We collect your curls in a tight tail.
  • Watching the tape around the base of the tail and tie a tight single nodule so that one end of the tape is about three times longer than the other.
  • Bend the loose ends in half and tie a simple bow.
  • Again we put a long end in half and tie with short.
  • We raise your creation.

Spit with bow

Kosh can be decorated with a bow, simply touching the tape over the rubber band, but you can also need it into the hairstyle. This option is more reliable and elegant. Take the ribbon long at least meter. If the hair is short, we give preference to the braid:

  • We ride the usual braid, but not to the end.
  • Bend the ribbon in half and place a fog in the middle strand, and the ends connect with extreme. Imagine that the tapes became part of your hair.
  • When several centimeters remain to the end, we associate the tape with a single node and tie any bows you like.

Collected bow

The assembled bow requires a little more effort than previous options. You will need not only the dexterity of the hands, but also a needle with a thread. But it can be used many times. We act:

  • Take corrugated or smooth ribbon.
  • Over all its length, we skip a strong thread and just tighten it.
  • Send the resulting miracle to the rubber band in the tone.
  • Decorate any hairstyle with a gum with a bow!

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We hope our simple tips will help you become even more beautiful!

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