How to make decorations with your own hands

How to make decorations with your own hands

The girl with exclusive decorations always attracts attention. And it is not necessary to buy designer jewels at all, you can make the original accessory with your own hands. Take a note of several ideas to create your small masterpiece.

Very easy to make a bracelet on hand. We choose a dense fabric, sew from it a wide ribbon, insert the substrate inside, for example, felt. On the outer area of \u200b\u200bthe bracelet glue beads, rhinestones, suspension in a free order. On both ends of the ribbon fasten metal semiring, as on the straps of bags. They connect the fastener, all the elements are tested for strength and wearing with pleasure.

An ordinary metal bracelet can be transformed beyond recognition using Moulin's threads. Inspread the multicolored strands in the links, fix them with a neat knot. The decoration will be even more interesting if you add the suspension to threads.

To create an element, take different decorative elements, dense tissue and satin ribbons. Cut the basis in shape reminiscent month. Suede is suitable for her with a dense substrate. We sew stones and semi-graysin threads, rhinestones on metal ribbon - fishing line. Innoral side Close the same "month", as based on, glue both parts. At the edges of the glue should be applied to the last place when ribbons are embedded there. It is they who will make the necklace full and serve as a kind of clasp.

An independent decoration or addition to the hoop, the hairpin, the brooches can become a flower made in Kanzashi technique. Cut the fabric (better satin) per square. The number of squares corresponds to the number of future petals. Each square turn into a triangle, then we glue two free corners to the third. Such petals are sewn among themselves, to the center of Krepim Rouses.

Kanzashi --- Fashionable ornaments-Hand-3

Elementary and earrings-carnations from roses. We purchase two segments of satin ribbons and we fold roses. We glue flowers on the carnation - the foundation, let me dry and enjoy the result. Due to the simplicity of the procedure, you can make several pairs of such earrings that differ in color.


Speeciously look at the surges from the wire. Support pliers and special wire for making jewelry. From a small segment we turn the loop, the ends are beautifully adjusted by the instrument, and the opposite side is slightly pressed inside. It turned out the heart. We make three such figures, different in size. We connect them with rings from the wire, at the top of the Fresh the base of the earrings.

On this decoration, Hand-Made does not end, but on the contrary - just begin! Inspire ideas, plug fantasy and create in your pleasure!

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