If you decide to make a decoration and decorate it with flowers from felt or want to make a bouquet of flowers, then this is an article for you. Step-by-step instructions will help an experienced or beginner master to make the original decoration. The article contains several instructions, how to make flowers from felt. From simple roses to a more complex flower. Photos inside the article will help to better understand the sequence of actions.
Tip from Master how to make flowers from felt
To understand the features of the structure of petals, coloring - before work, consider carefully a live flower. If there is no possibility to see the flower alive, find a photo of good quality. So you can make a flower more natural. It will also help when you choose the desired shade of felt.
Fetra Tools and Materials
- Felt of the desired shade.
- Paper and pencil.
- Thread and needle.
- Scissors.
- Beads.
- Stem.
- Adhesive gun or glue.
Flowers patterns from felt
You can download ready-made templates from the Internet or make them yourself. It is not difficult, first you need to draw the outline of the future flower on paper. As a basis, take the template of the ordinary chamomile. If the flower is complex, consists of several levels of petals, draw each element separately. Flower size determines you yourself, fantasize. We offer below description of the patterns of the most common colors from felt.
- The rose template looks like a spiral. On the one hand, the contour is smooth, on the other - wavy. Or you can draw separate flower petals, in the form of an oval. On one side of the oval a little pointed. You need to make several petals, different sizes.
- Violet looks for a pattern in the form of a circle with wavy edges.
- For chrysanthemums require rectangle. The ratio of width to length of about 1 to 5, 6 or more. The longer, the more luxuriant will flower.
- To make a peony flower, the pattern is made of a separate tab. He has the form of bowls, rounded bottom and top wavy.
- The most simple in the manufacture of the hydrangea pattern is the circle, the desired size.
Similarly, you can make the leaf template. Look at the leaflet of the real flower and simply repeat it on a piece of paper.
Drawn pattern cut with scissors. Be careful when working with sharp objects.
Production of a fetra flower blank
The next stage of the production of the flower is the transfer of the template to the felt sheet. Attach the pattern to the felt sheet of suitable coloring. Lock the needle pattern. With scissors, cut a blank of the future flower. How many billets are needed for different flowers:
- For a simple rose - 1 spiral. For roses collected from petals 3 pcs. Little petals. Next to increase, 5 pcs. Petals size more and so on.
- For one violet requires 5 blanks.
- 1 Rectangle for the manufacture of 1 chrysanthemum flower.
- Peony fluffy flower required about 20 petals.
- Total for hydrangea prepare 13 felt circles. For a small flower: 1pc - with a diameter of 3 cm, 12 pcs - 2 cm diameter.
Production of flowers from felt
After all the details are ready, it remains only to collect flowers. You can collect flower with a needle and threads or with glue. Mains can be made of beads.
- Rose is simple. Roll the spiral starting from the center of the spiral and moving towards her end. Secure the product in this position by thread.
- Rose from petals. Starting from small petals to a large, collect flower. Petals can be glued together to each other or sew.
- Violet. 1 Billet will be the base for the flower. Other billet The petal is folded in half and once again in half, we get a corner. The bottom of the corner is sewn to the center of the base. Similarly, we do with the remaining 3 petals.
- Chrysanthemum. We turn the rectangle in half, it turned out the likeness of the flagella. In the scene we make cuts parallel to the width of the workpiece. Cuts should be the same and do not reach the edge of the rectangle. The resulting product is tightened and fix the thread.
- Pion. To begin with, at the base of the petals, we make cuts and combine their colors. Fix glue, wept petals in the form of a spoon. By analogy of roses from petals, we collect peony. The middle can be made of beads.
- Hydrangea. A large circle will be the base for the flower. Other - petals. We take 1 such a petal and in the center of the circle kapaam glue. We collect a circle into the bag, pressing the center. It turned out the petal, in the same way glue other petals. Now stick the petals on the base. Petals can be sewed. We glue first 4 petals, then between them 4 more and top 4 more petals.
Such uncomplicated ways you can make flowers from felt. Now it remains to add leaves and stem, if you make a flower for a vase or bouquet. Or you can sew a flower to the future decoration.
As you can see, make a flower from felt with your own hands is not difficult, there would be a desire. The article describes the manufacture of the most popular colors, the rest in your hands. Fantasize and delight the world with your beautiful colors!