How to make flowers from napkins

How to make flowers from napkins

Crafts are always high. When the master creates his own personally, he invests in the product and part of his soul, especially if it is a gift for a loved one. And virtually no surprise costs without flowers. However, living flowers are not everyone can buy. After all, children do not always have the right amount. But everyone can make them from ordinary napkins. Next, you will familiarize yourself with the master classes on the manufacture of colors from different paper napkins.

How to make flowers carnations from napkins?

To make such a flower, prepare:

  • red napkins, you can yellow, orange;
  • ribbon, milling scissors;
  • wire, green napkins for stem.


  • Take a four-layer napkin. On the left and right side with special scissors cut the edges, so that the teeth come out.
  • Collect the napkin fan.
  • In the middle bind her ribbon
  • Separate the napkins, as shown in the picture, form a flower.
  • Secure it on the wire.
  • Then wrap the wire with a green napkin.

How to make flowers dandelions from napkins?

For dandelions, you will need yellow and green napkins, wire for fixing the stem.


  • Roll up yellow napkins in a striped 2.5-3 centimeter height.
  • Neat with scissors on one side cut off the thin strip.
  • Then all the width of the napkins cut the thin strips of 2-3 millimeters.
  • Only when they are cut, the base of the napkins do not cut to the end, so that the design did not crumble.
  • Roll the flower with a spiral in a circle and fasten your scotch.
  • Make the stem and cut the leaves, as in the image above.

How to make a flower rose from napkins

Such a creative rose can make any gentleman and give his lady right in the restaurant. This requires one napkin and skill.


  • Pour the four-layer napkin. The top of the 4 centimeter is twice.
  • Mix two fingers upper part.
  • Tighten the resulting spiral at most, so that the bud is.
  • Two fingers squeeze the place where the bud ends and the stem begins.
  • Carefully, so as not to break the napkin, tighten the stem to half.
  • We form a leaf, lifting the bottom of the stem.
  • After that, we twist the stem to the end.

Paper Napkin Chamomile

Delicate daisies you get from yellow, white, green napkins.


  • Fold the white napkin three times so that the height of the strip is 3 centimeters.
  • Cut the petals with scissors, only the base of the napkins on touch.
  • Fold twice the yellow napkin and make the same actions that they did when the dandelion was made. Flower (yellow middle) Make a little, as in the figure above.
  • Then the spiral wrap on the middle of the flower white daisy petals and secure the wire below.
  • Make a stalk with sheets, and then connect it with a riding flower.

As you can see, you can make different colors from the napkins. Moreover, flowers are obtained as real. Bouquets of them can be decorate the interior or decorating a festive table. And if you show fantasy, you will get a beautiful composition. Invent and create bright and unique floral bouquets, which will then delight your kind on your loved ones.

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