How to make a flower of the balls

How to make a flower of the balls

You want to surprise guests and families on holiday, but do not know that you can come up with? This simple master class on flower made from balloons inspire you.

The flower of the balls

To make a simple flower from a balloon, you need to prepare:

  • long balls: yellow, red or pink (for the lobes) - 1 pc .;
  • ball for the stem and leaves - green or yellow - 2 pcs .;
  • pump for inflating the air balls.

Make a flower:

  • First you need to inflate the balls. For the petals will need a long ball.
  • Pump pump must first completely and then just need to release the tip to at the end was not inflated a small "tail" (up to 7 cm).
  • Inflated balloon takes the form of sausages, it should be soft, to make it easier to work with.
  • Connect the ends of the inflated ball, turns the oval.
  • In the middle to divide the resulting figure and twist twice. Twist you should always only in one direction. For example, in a clockwise direction.
  • First curl once and then measure out the same distance and torque a second time. It should have 3 equal parts - the future of flower petals. Each part must be the same, otherwise the flower can be curved.
  • Now the most difficult: it is necessary to lay down the resulting shape in a zigzag, turn right 3 sausages to the three left. You should have petals. A ring-formed dense locking in place stranding.
  • Petals are ready, it is now necessary to make the stem and leaves. For this pump up again with air from the pump yellow bead, leaving free tip (same 7cm), tying the inflated balloon.
  • And here's a little secret: gently pushes his finger tip inside of an inflated ball, intercepting his fingers of your other hand, twist to the tail does not come out.
  • Now you can connect with the blade of a beautiful middle, with petals.
  • From the remaining ball make leaves. Inflation, twist in half, twist once again the figure in half to get the same twisted segments on each side.
  • Then you need to connect these segments together to get the petal: on the one hand and on the other hand.
  • It is necessary to fold a little under the corner so that the leaves are the same.

Flower from balls is ready. Total 3 long balls will need to make such beauty. And you, when you catch, you can make a whole bouquet of bright colors from balloons.

How to make tulip from balls

Tulip is also made just like a chamomile, and you need to cook such materials:

  • long balls: yellow and green 1 pcs.;
  • pump.

How to make a tulip of balloons:

  • I inflate with the help of a pump one yellow and green ball. Just leave free tails, length 7-9 cm.
  • We divide the yellow ball on the 5 parts, but still twist only 2 parts, each length is like your palm. We fasten the resulting figure in the loop, spinning.
  • I still measure the same length of the segment and reinforce, screwing up to two petals.
  • Slightly smear the remaining tip of the ball and make it in the same way 2 more petals. Total will get 5 petals.
  • As a result, a figure of 5 petals and a small residue of an inflated ball should be turned out.
  • This residue needs to be entered into the middle of the ball, the bouton from this will work out a little more.
  • We screw the tip to the tip the inflated green ball (you can on the nodule).
  • Twisting 3 loops of the same size. They should evenly distribute around the leg and just close the place of connecting the balls.
  • Tulip ready. This can also stop or make a few of the same beautiful flower.

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