How to make flowers from corrugated paper

How to make flowers from corrugated paper

Colors accepted to decorate most of the holidays. They can be huge for party decor, gentle for a bouquet or with a sweet surprise inside. Such flowers can be made with their own hands from the steam paper that will not fade for a long time.

How to make flowers from corrugated paper for a party

The bright decoration of the parties will be large flowers, they are also called pompons. Choosing such a decor, consider the color design of the holiday.

For huge peonies, prepare:

  • gofrobumagu 7 colors;
  • stationery clamps;
  • thin wire;
  • scissors and thread.

  • Expand fully each paper roll. Then turn in the form of a harmonica, starting with a narrow part of the sheet. In this case, the thickness of the folds should not exceed 5 cm. Do not try to make bends even, for this flower it does not matter.

  • Secure up the paper by the stationery clamps on one side. So the edges of the paper will be in the same position.

  • To create a volume of a flower, it is necessary to cut blanks. Place the colors in the desired order and cut each 2 cm. In short of the previous one.

  • End strips make pointed or rounded. The more careless cutting line will be, the more naturally the flower will become. Move the clamp in the center of the workpiece.

  • Form the petals. To do this, cut the folds of folds from all four sides, but only until the middle.

  • Remove the clip and expand paper rolls. Spread on the table workpiece in size. First, put the biggest sheets, then medium and above - small.

  • Turn the paper together in the form of a roll so that the smaller size is outside it. In the center of the workpiece, impose wire.

  • Fix the wire on the roll by several turns around the axis. Expand the edge of the paper in the form of a fan.

  • Lift one edge of the petal and press it to the middle. At the same time, slightly straighten the workpiece with hands in width.

  • Generate so all the petals of the same color. Only then proceed to another shade.

  • When you go to the next circle of petals, then slightly squeeze all the sheets at the base, where the wire. It will give the volume to the finished decor.

  • If you have found wide stripes, you can cut the scissors along. But you should not do too narrow petals, they will not keep shape.

  • They can decorate trees if the holiday will be held on the street.

  • Or decorate a room for a celebration.

How to make flowers from corrugated crepe paper for a bouquet

More delicate flowers are obtained for a bouquet. They have a small bud and a stalk. For chamomile from the steam paper you will need:

  • yellow woolen and silk threads;
  • white and green crepe paper;
  • floral wire;
  • stationery clamps;
  • tape tape green;
  • glue, scissors.

  • Fold two fingers together and wrap the yellow yarn on them. The more you make the layers, the stringener will be a middle for a flower.

  • Remove the threads from the fingers and tie them in the center. Use for this thin or woolen thread.

  • Cut yarn on one side. If necessary, then fir the ends with scissors.

  • Cut the wire on the stalks of the desired length. Apply glue to one of the ends of the wire and lock the threads on it. Print the core part that is not cut.

  • Hide the junction of the junction of the threads and wire TEYP-ribbon. Wrap it around the workpiece several times.

  • White corrugated paper cut into rectangles. Fold the workpiece in the height of the figure. Its length will correspond to the volume of the flower, and the height is the length of the petals. Secure the paper by clamps on the one hand. From the other part, make cuts in the form of strips.

  • Each strip give an oval shape. Cut the flower template carefully, as the paper is thin.

  • Expand the strip along the entire length and slightly disappear each petal in its wide part.

  • The solid edge of the workpiece attach to the middle of the threads. Gradually start twisting the paper around the wire.

  • Continue to wrap the petals until you use the entire strip.

  • Cut a small part of the teep tape, cut it on narrow strips from one edge. Then twist each part into the tube. Attach the resulting billet from the back side of the bud.

  • White paper on bud reorret green teep tape. It is additionally not fixed, as it has a sticky basis.

  • When the flower is ready, lightly straighten the petals and form a bouquet.

How to make flowers from corrugated steam paper with candy

Candy bouquets are increasingly popular, which are decorated in the form of flowers. Make such a sweet surprise is very simple.

  • Cold paper cut on strips.

  • Roll several times.

  • Cut the petals of oval shape.

  • Using the ships, tighten the wide part of the blank on the outer side.

  • Stretch the middle to fingers to give the petal rounded shape.

  • On the skeleton, secure candy.

  • Alternately apply petals to candy and tie their thread.

  • Green paper cut into narrow strips and wrap them around ships.

  • Make several colors in this way and collect in a bouquet.

Make flowers from corrugation fairly easy, if you clearly follow this master classes.

Another way to create colors Look at the video:

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