How to make Flower Fabric

How to make Flower Fabric

Flowers will decorate any celebration, and the decor of the fabric will become a bright addition to the festive alongside. Make the original dyeing with your own hands quite easily. To do this, use detailed master classes in this article that will not require special skills and skills.

How to make flowers from the fabric with a candle

The flower decor is an unusual addition not only for a festive dress, but also can decorate the majority of accessories and even a wedding bouquet.

For colors, prepare such materials and tools:

  • fabric of different structures: organza, atlas, chiffon;
  • candles - tablets or lighter;
  • beads and beads;
  • scissors, needle and thread.


  • Decide with the color decor decor and depending on this, buy a cloth. Choose it with a delicate thread structure, as the dense material will become weighting decoration. Also select the diameter for colors, then cut the circles from the fabric.

  • Since slices on the material are quickly dissolved, they must be processed. You can do it with a candle or lighter. Apply the edge of the workpiece to the fire and slip it. Try to melt the material unevenly, creating a pattern on the petals of future colors. It's not too close to bring fabric to the fire, as it can catch fire.

Advice. During melting sections on fabric, harmful pairs can stand out. Therefore, work in a well-ventilated place and do not lean too close to the candle.

  • To form petals at bud, make four identical outbreaks at a uniform distance from each other.

  • Gently exporing each slice and burn over the flame. In this case, it is enough to treat tissue.

  • Prepare six blanks of the same coloring to form one decoration.

  • Place the petals in size. Start collecting a flower from the biggest workpiece, gradually placing a smaller petal from above. At the same time, hold the middle of the decor.

  • When the flower is fully assembled, sew all the details among themselves in the central part of the workpiece.

  • Additionally decorate the design of the flower by beads and beads.

How to make fabric flowers on frame

For some compositions, it is necessary to make flowers on the frame to give the shape of the petals.

For such a decor you will need:

  • wire with paper marking;
  • dense fabric with a pattern;
  • green Teip-tape;
  • nippers, scissors;
  • pVA glue and thin brush;
  • ready stamens.

Stages of work:

  • Decide with the shape and size of the flower. Depending on this, prepare a wire largest lobes. Use it with a paper note, as then you will glue parts of each other. Easy to cut the required length will help plugs.

  • Wire length make a different size to get a bud.

  • Bend each wire in the form of an oval. At the same time leave a small part for the stalk.

  • The other end, bend around the base for fixing.

  • Attach the workpiece from the wire on the fabric, and prepare the segments in the form of rectangles in the size of the oval.

  • Brush apply glue on one side of the decorative wire.

  • Enclose wire to the material. Lightly press your fingers in the joints of the billets.

  • When the glue dry completely, cut the petals at the outer edge.

  • Prepare in this way all parts for bud.

  • Ready stamens for the middle of the flower will crush teip-ribbon.

  • Now it is necessary to connect the petals together. To do this, place the small blanks around the stamens first, then larger. Each row fix the adhesive tape.

Advice. Place the workpiece in a checker order. So the flower will be more voluminous.

  • For an external circle, fix the biggest petals.

  • When all the petals connected, attach to the bud smooth part of the wire to form a stem.

  • Tie it with teep-tape.

  • Pour the flower in the desired position, and lower the edges of the petals slightly inside.

Such flowers will be able to decorate not only the outfit, but also a room for the holiday.

How to make flowers from fabric - for beginners

If you do not know how to make petals with fire or wire, then use the simplest technique itself for creation of flowers from fabric.

Necessary materials:

  • denim;
  • scissors, needles and threads;
  • stakes for decor.

Production process:

  • Cut 6 petals from fabric. Their size, like the form, will depend on the amount of decor.

  • Pick the thread into the tone of the fabric so that they are not visible in the finished product. Collect the thread blank from the bottom side. Tighten it to create waves on the material.

  • Sust all the petals together in the central part, creating a circle.

  • To decorate the middle of the flower, use rhinestones with thread holes.

  • Such a decor of the fabric will decorate a festive wreath or dress.

Make flowers from fabric at home easily, if you clearly follow each step in these master classes. Such original decorations will benefit your outfit among the others at any celebration!

About how to make a rose from the fabric in another unusual technique, look at the video:

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