How to make a bouquet of candy with your own hands

How to make a bouquet of candy with your own hands

Candy and flowers are a traditional gift for any celebration. To surprise friends or colleagues with the original presentation, give them a bouquet of sweets made by their own hands. An exclusive sweet bouquet looks very beautiful and effectively, and its manufacture does not take much time and cash. How to make an original candy bakery gift, read further.

How to make a bouquet of sweets: Preparation and necessary materials

Before starting work, you should prepare the necessary materials and tools that will be suitable for creating a bouquet. You will need:

  • Corrugated paper that will be the basis for colors in a bouquet. Paper Color Choose Based on what flowers you will have: Yellow tulips, purple crocuses or scarlet roses. Flowers in a bouquet can be one color, and can be of different colors and shades.
  • Candies. For a sweet bouquet Choose chocolate candies with solid filling or caramel.
  • Wooden spanks or toothpicks for the formation of a flower stem.
  • Scotch is transparent and thin, as well as bilateral scotch.
  • Scissors, glue.

How to make a bouquet of candy: basket with tulips

The easiest way to perform a bouquet of candy is to make a basket with tulips.

  • To craft, you will need a small wicker basket, on the bottom of which the floral sponge is glued with the help of bilateral tape, designed to create bouquets or a piece of foam. Sucks will be inserted into this foundation - stems of future tulips.
  • Prepare wooden skewers, in the amount required for a bouquet. The length of the sleeper depends the length of the stem of the future flower.
  • We connect the candy and a skeleton, fixing the tail of the candy with a thin transparent scotch.
  • Getting petals manufacturing. Prepare strips of yellow crepe paper to create the petals. The required length of the strips of 12-15 cm, width - 3-4 cm each strip, twist the middle and fold it in half.. Extend the paper at the fold so it's a little arched and looked like a petal. Thus, it is necessary to prepare several preforms - for a tulip petal. The more petals, the more luxuriant will tulip.
  • We proceed to the assembly of the flower: fasten 3-5 petals around candy, stick them at the bottom with tape or wrap the stem threads.
  • flower base and leg wrap green crepe paper, glue fixing. Thus forming the rest of the flowers.
  • Plug ready tulips in a basket of foam voids can be filled with sheet made from corrugated paper and affixed on skewers, the junction wrap thin strip of corrugated paper on the principle that has been used to create a tulip.
  • Garnish with slices of sisal basket or organza fit decorative beads, ribbons and other decorations.

  • In the same way you can with a bouquet of snowdrops, using white paper, with crocuses and tulips make a bouquet of bright various colors.

How to make a bouquet of sweets "Raffaello" and organza

Very gently look sweet bouquets, decorated with organza. To create it will need candy "Rafaello" or other round candy. This bouquet looks airy and voluminous. Note that the organza - a material is rather expensive, but for the decor of lush bouquet it will take at least three meters. As used stem wire or skewers.

  • Each candy must be wrapped with foil or corrugated paper of golden color. Fastened to the candy skewer or wire.
  • The stem of the flower (skewer or wire) also wrap with foil.
  • Getting flower decoration, cut organza small pieces, approximately 20 to 20 cm. Each candy wrap and bottom tie ribbon golden color. Thus do the rest of the flowers for a bouquet.

  • Putting flowers in a bouquet, stems rewinding tape.
  • We make a bouquet organazoy, decorated with ribbon, beads or sequins.

Bright, showy bouquets of chocolates, made with his own hands, will delight and bring joy to whom they are intended. Do not be afraid to experiment and include your imagination to create a sweet gift.

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